I bring grim news, my fellow human beings - I am grounded.
And when my mom grounds me, she means business.
Which means starting from tomorrow, I will literally (I mean LITERALLY) have no way to contact any social media, such as skype, which also means I will have no way to be online on RP
So I know that I rule Erebor, and if me being inactive for a whole week is a kind of big deal. So I give full control of my character, and Erebor, to Rob, or Ahnfrahman - assuming they don't kill my entire army and turn me into a mindless zombie dwarf or something.
I suppose Aasim, Bucky, and
Anaaron can control my troops if those two aren't online.
Btw Ana, could you please message me your 'master plan' so I can give you responses for what your plan would do? I can send back my responses so that you have my reply even though I won't be online to reply directly. Also put Titan in the message so other people don't think you're making my responses up or something.