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  • Uhm so, is there some place where all the og's are hanging out at?
    Ngl, miss the Ew times and the chill people.
    the server is still up? :o what's the ip?
    build.epicquestz.com it's 1.13+, works best in 1.13.2 I'd recommend joining the discord server because that will be the most practical way to get in touch with those of the OG's who play on EQ, and also to ask when people are hopping on :3 As soon as you joined the Minecraft server, do /discord, and it will give you an invite link
    Well, I guess I'm 18 now aswell...
    lmao, true tho
    Just a little screen from our Sentinel Islands project on the epicquestz build server c:

    Well we got probably need more peoples up here to make the server more popular and make like a few mini games on here and do events or so, but still we need more peoples for all that.
    Well Ew Story time, as short as possible, but don't expect much from me .-.

    Well i joined around i think September 2014 and after 1 or 2 hours i already started to like the server and the people, it wasn't just a random server 4 me, it was like a second home, where i could get rid of stress or ask some friends 4 help if I needed some, well in my eyes everyone here has a sort of best friend, me not really, i like the whole Ew-community and although i hoped to improve some friendships it was still a fantastic time on this server and well... there is still time to improve some friendships, at least i will try.
    Well... it seems like this time tim is not able to keep the server up... well, thx to tim 4 giving me 2 years on this really epic server and thx also to all donnators 4 helping to keep up the server, well there is not that much to say from me... Well i hope i will still see most of you at the epic questz server and wish ya all a good time (:
    Sooo after EW is going down... is there any server (beside build) where i can find some of you guys? Cuz I began to like some of you after playing almost 2 years with them
    I'm soon back from my little Hexxit-Trip guys ^--^

    Oh btw: KingTraitor --> zSpiritForcer (for some time, i will change that when i'm able to again) and a 2cond Mc account: z4Tune (fortune, you know? nah, k :c)

    Well have a great time and see ya all soon c:
    Slime is doing a giveaway c: , look at her wall or you will be struck by a lightning... whilest pooping >:c
    New Game Incoming <3

    PS: Not that active anymore on ew :c , hope you guys have lots fun till i come back ^^ kek.
    That.... was..... ok.... Have you seen the Battlefield 1 trailer though? xD
    Wasnt that screenshot taken in like, december last year?
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    Back in the day ;) ...when I started the "Form a line!" thing and people actually did as I said... ...when r3cry and I used to play real serious and we sat there all concentrated and he shouted how it was going at his location on the map and I shouted orders back all the while we were listening to a way-to-loud AC4 music booming from the speakers... ...when we actually played EW for hours on end, until Isengard / Minas Morgûl came on... That screenshot isn't that old though... but it reminds me of the good old times nevertheless ;)
    At this table Tara, rob, Ant, agen, Blaze, me and a lots of other good peeps rushed trough that tunnel, defended the flag,.... it was like our "home" at the erebor for a few months, meh, i miss da old peoples and times
    What to do if your gaming room gets a New color? Watch a DVD c:
    Was out for football (soccer for Americans)-Training before (3 hours) but thx for the hint xD
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