sammy107 I didn't wanna
1. Name?
2. Age?
3. Do you sleep with the door closed or open?
Dude, closed. It's just messed up to sleep with the door open.
4. The greatest madness that you have done in your life?
Well, last year I stopped caring about school and like I didn't do my homework for a few months. That was pretty dumb. That's about it.
5. What is your best memory of your childhood?
Having all the neighborhood kids over for Nerf battles, those were always awesome.
6. What is the rarest object in your room?
I have this really old chap stick that I'm afraid to use. Other than that I don't really have anything in my room, so yeah.
7. Do you have a "boyfriend/girlfriend"?
Nope, I'm waiting till I got time for that which is gunna be after high school is over with.
8. Tea or coffee?
Neither, they both suck.
9. Coca cola or Pepsi?
Same as #8
10. Nike or Adidas?
Only Adidas because I HATE Nike. Too many people in junior high only had friends because of the shoes they wore.
11. Do you cry in the movies?
Nope, though I have gotten close in a few.
12. Anyone you would like to meet?
probably Gandhi, too bad he's dead D:
13. Do you know how to play an instrument?
Yup, I play both Clarinet and Trumpet
14. Have you had plastic surgery?
Never, though it sounds terrible.
15. Do you practice any sport?
I used to play soccer, other than that I do ultimate frisbee with some homies, it isn't anything like official tho.
16. What are you afraid of?
Following the crowd. Sometimes I do it, but I don't wanna.
17. What is your favorite program?
Probably Mr. Monk.
18. Do you have a tattoo or piercing?
Not yet, just wait tho.
19. Do you have pets?
Yup, I got a dog. He is a cockapoo or something like that. His name is Kipper because he looks just like the dog from Kipper the show.
20. Are you addicted to cell phone?
Nope, I smashed mine with a hammer, so I don't gotta worry about that anymore.
21. What do you always complain about?
Toxicity on Mineplex, not hearing about if Maze Wars is accepted or nah, classic Trump, a few political issues, and doing homework.
22. Do you like to be alone?
Heck no, I like chilling with all mah homies. I'm only on Minecraft when I'm alone which is quite frequent D:
23. What superhero would you like to be?
Milkman. If you don't know who that is, google Milkman by Rocket Jump.
24. Favorite song?
Idk, that's a hard one. Maybe Let You Down or Remember This by NF.
25. Do you know how to drive?
Yeppers. Getting 50 hours in for your license sucks tho.
Quartet and