Patch notes - 3.0.4
Kits & abilities
- Added class info when left clicking signs. (thanks sjoerdtim)
- Shield Bash now ignores team members.
- Fixed shield bash not working near teammates.
- When you are affected by shield bash, you will now be stunned temporarily.
- Nerfed Rohan Spearman, Gondor Spearman, Uruk Spearman and Dol Amroth Knight Spear damage to 18.
- Nerfed Commander Orc and Elven Spearman Spear damage to 19.
- Nerfed Dunland Huntsman Throwing Axe to 8.
- Nerfed Uruk Reaver attack damage (7.25 -> 7).
- Buffed Ithilien Soldier HP (20 -> 26).
- Buffed Ithilien Ranger HP (20 -> 26).
- Buffed Royal Guard attack damage (6.25 -> 6.5).
- Buffed Elven Archer HP (20 -> 24).
- Buffed Troll. Damage (8.5 -> 9). HP (50 -> 60). Armour (13 -> 14). Knockback Resistance (20% -> 30%).
- Buff Uruk Shieldman HP (26 ---> 32) to contest with Westfold Axeman.
- Nerfed Dunlending Champion damage (7.5 -> 5.75).
- Fixed throwing spear when right clicking a cauldron.
- Fixed submitting logs to team inventory.
- Fixed being able to drop weapons with sharpness vote.
- Fixed restocking item in offhand when a limit was applied to it.
- Added additional food items to ender chest restock.
- Hero kit signs now show kit info when left clicking them.
- Rock throw will now destroy player-placed blocks when landing.
- Rocks pickup looks a lot more dynamic (FOV increment, 0 -> 2 second pickup time)
- Arrows no longer damage through shields.
- Improved spear velocity of several classes.
- Fixed cauldrons restocking food and vice versa with enderchest arrows.
- Horns have a 1 minute cooldown, unless the horn ability overrides it.
Minas Tirith
- Added ladders.
- Added constructor and engineer classes to both teams.
- Added two siege tower animations that occur after some time.
- Redid the logic of the first two flags. The Main Gate must now be captured first using the siege towers.
- Flags are no longer recapturable.
- Fixed being able to bash gates before flag capture.
- Added animation states to all gates.
- Modified and moved gondor spawns on second gate.
- Added a staircase inside of the gate to make it easier for Mordor to access the flag.
- Updated the Hall of Kings.
- Added further height to the Tower of Ecthelion. (WIP)
- Extended and improved terrain.
- Moved Orc start spawns.
- Updated Oliphant design.
- Tidied up mountain border near 2nd gate.
- Tidied up field terrain around the main walls.
- Updated the Mordor lobby to match the updated Osgiliath decoration.
- Updated the Gondor lobby to match the updated Minas Tirith decoration.
- Increased health of main gate.
- Added Hero messages in chat
- Added Gondor Engineer
- Added Mordor Engineer
- Updated moss and ruins in various areas including Town Hall, Hideout, area around Old Brothel, etc.
- Continued old Town Hall staircase tower down into sewers.
- Osgiliath start has been changed. Faramir will tell Gondor players to get to the river, and Gothmog will be making announcements whilst the boats (now animated) move towards docks. The boats spawn will change accordingly as the boats move.
- Added Ring-Wraith, Khamul, Witch-King and Gothmog to Mordor.
- Added Faramir to Gondor.
- Established and added Imrahil to Gondor to counteract the lack of Gondor heroes in comparison to the number of Mordor Heroes.
- Updated the Gondor lobby to match the updated Osgiliath decoration.
- Added water bubbles between the camp and theatre to slow and pull players down in the water.
- Added night-time start.
- Removed a big sewer entrance on the main street in front of City Hall
Helm's Deep
- Added ladders.
- Added constructor and engineer classes to both teams.
- Updated culvert design.
- Updated paths to include mud brick slabs.
- Significantly changed & improved berserker announcements and added several game start announcements.
- Added Elven Field Medic
Black Gate
- Added ladders.
- Added constructor and engineer classes to both teams.
- Added Men lobby spawn/team signs.
- Added titles shown to individual teams on the start to state what to do.
- Added buildable bridge between the valleys in Black Gate (changed from being there by default).
- Added buildable siege towers.
- Fixed The Free People being unable to spawn.
- Updated Orc Hub design.
- Gondor now starts with a material pool of 175 wood and 50 stone.
- Mordor now starts with a material pool of 50 wood and 10 stone.
- Added Easterling Prince
- Put Iron & Lapis classes to the left and Emerald & Gold classes to the right.
- Fixed Rohan lobby spawn/team signs.
- Added Shieldmaiden of Rohan
- Addded Rohan Constructor
- Added Rohan Engineer
- Added Dunland Constructor
- Added Dunland Engineer
- /vote has been improved visually.
- Vote streak is now shown in /vote and when you complete a weekly streak, the amount of gold rewarded is stated.
- Added /forums|forum and /site.
- Changed all Discord links to use discord.empirewar.org.
- Hid /tip and /unlock from help menus (possibly tab completion too).
- Vote site now displays strikethrough in /vote if you already voted for it.
- Override /? and disallow /minecraft:me.
- Gave everyone permission to use /tps.
- Added /ranks.
- Added messaging commands for players.
Resource Pack
- Added many new textures, including new shields.
- 6 custom bow sounds
- Added faction horns:
- Rohan
- Gondor
- Mordor
- Isengard
- Lothlorien
- Haradrim
- Added new shield textures:
- Isengard
- Dunland
- Rohan
- Gondor
- Dol Amroth
- Rhun
- Easterling blade
- Easterling bow
- Easterling glaive
- Easterling throwing dagger
- Gondor bow
- Gondor helmet
- Haradrim scimitar
- Lothlorien bow
- Elven sword
- Mordor scimitar
- Mordor mace
- Troll hammer
- Isengard sword
- Isengard berserker claever
- Isengard pike
- Rohan sword
- Spear
- Mithril sword
- Mithril mace
- Mithril axe
- Netherite battle axe
- Netherite sickle
- Golden axe
- Golden sword
- Bronze two handed battle axe
- Iron dagger
- Iron longsword
- Iron scythe
- Iron short sword
- Iron battle axe
- Iron mace
- Stone mace
- Wooden club
- Medkit
- Alpha tester achievement is now impossible to get.
- Added 6 new death progress advancements.
- Added 2 new MVP progress advancements and modified existing ones.
- Added "Empire War Calls for Aid!" achievement for donators.
General fixes & improvements
- Fixed silver multiplier affecting deaths.
- Fixed assist messages not being affected by silver boosts.
- Added various character broadcasts across all maps.
- Added various scripted actions, such as broadcasts, time traversal, and weather to various maps.
- Updated Donor Rank Prefixes.
- Updated Staff Rank Prefixes.
- Implemented initial YouTuber & Streamer ranks.
- Fixed the sky being black on maps such as Tirith.
- Fixed YouTube link on forums.
- Placeables can now start to be built by engineers even if their team bank does not have the minimum required to finish it.
- Rounded men left to nearest 10 and ignored addition if 1 player is online.
- Fixed radius spawns setting wrong rotation.
- Fixed being able to lose items via kit preferences on empty default slots.
- Fixed assists with projectiles.
- Disallowed breaking armourstands in lobby.
- Changed ability names to better reflect in displayed kit info to players.
- Disallowed flipping gate levers when on cooldown.
- Reduced render distance of material piles.
- Fixed issues with votes not working.
- Fixed some votes expiring early.
- Added tip for boosters.
- Added a tip regarding emojis for donators.
- Extended gate cooldowns by 2s globally.
- Incrementally save users to ensure minimal data loss on server crash.
- Added water freezing to certain maps. This uses the same effect as vanilla's powder snow, with increased damage once freezing.
- Increased build time of placeables (ladders on helms, rams).
- Discord and Forums link is now showed on tutorial end.
- Fixed MVP progress not working.
- The settings hologram can now be punched.
- Possibly fixed woolmap blocks not reverting to full capture status.
- Lunar Client hitboxes has been removed from the blocked mod list. Freelook and FOV Changer are still blocked, however the latter may be allowed in the future considering Mojang is adding more accessibility settings.
- Removed cheaters.
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