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Quest to find Arak a good skin


New member
V1 Lord
So [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/arakrsptec/74.png" name="arakrsptec"]7396155[/user] is in that stage where he keeps changing his skin in confusion of what to used, I Tried to convince him to go back to da kitty skin that we all loved, but sadly he won't go back to it... So Post pics and links to skins for Arak! And arak, Give us some names for what themed skins!
Maybe find him a new kitty skin, the old one is when he was younger, he's older now and needs a new one.
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/arakrsptec/74.png" name="arakrsptec"]7396155[/user], for a gewd skeen i ned tu ask ye sum questions

1. What is the "Rage" for you right now? GoT? Lotr? Kittens? What?
2. Do you have anything originally made by you that is not in minecraft? EX: Fumble, cat cult, etc...
3. r u mlg m8 (or do u liek mlg), serious question
4. Is there anything in particular that you want to feel while wearing this skin? For example, do you want to have a "cool" feel, or a "deadly" feel, or an "original" feel?
5. /yak
Um, yeah.
I go on RP servers, each one needed to represent a different character.
One's an Orange haired Elf.
One's a cloaked weirdo, evil and wicked. (Current.)
One's a kitty. 'Cause that's my symbol.
One's a cleric killer, with a song in his heart.

That's why I always swop skins. Suppose I'll answer Nauts questions, and I will accept new skins for these characters (If they're good.)

1. Reading GoT.
2. Fumble, cat cult, etc.
3. Um. No..?
4. Look to all my characters. Current one is a necromancer, evil feel.
5. /cow
Not quite a necromancer, but someone that looks like this?
Oh so you're not looking for casual player skins, but roleplay skins? If so, most roleplay communities have players that upload race skins to imgur, skindex, etc.
We'll just have to make/find such a good one that arak has to use it because of how awesome it is.