Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
New member
So as MANY of you should have noticed, build is dead empty these days.
Which makes me kind of sad, to be honest, because I always liked chatting with the guys while building some nice stuff. There where always minimum 5 people on any time in the evening and it never got boring.
Nowadays, I just open MC once in a while and go to Multiplayer and it just shows me "EpicQuestz Build Server blabla - 0/idunno players" and I'm like "Oh maaan, this suucks!"
I miss good old times, building with you people, so here's a few things I have noticed:
- I never see lock online anymore
- EpicQuestz' YT channel doesn't upload any Middle Earth updates anymore, which is obviously due to the fact that nothing is happening.
- No one builds for the Middle Earth project anymore, which is kinda sad.
- Occasionally, there's ONE DAMN PLAYER online, and that player is always dead AFK and/or someone I have NEVER seen before (on Siege OR Build...)
- If people actually are on build, we have a nice time, but since nothing is being built anymore, there's no progress to view or something like that so people just join if there's other people on to chat with. You get where this is going right? If everyone only joins if there's someone online, no one joins.
- Most people I would refer to as the "community of my times" are only active on the forums, with occasional visits to Siege and no visits at all to Build
So yeah, that's pretty much it. Just wanted to relief myself of some pressure and get the engines running again, if you know what I mean. I don't know if that is possible, but I would LOVE to see the community return to build!
Not exclusively, but ESPECIALLY the guys I spent some time with:
Karl, haven't seen you for ages, lock, where the hell are you? Kevin, pete, you where the first people I met on build! adam, Python, you both where total douches and Pyth, I still hate your interiors, but I still miss you guys! Epic, we used to chat allot, later on I had a few nice conversations with Ant, ice and Dani, I remember talking about Scandinavia with olex, I could talk about anything with gele, and lil' Nikky trying to fit into EW
I might have left some people out, but the point is, even though I don't play that much MC anymore, I had a great time on build and I'm sad to see that this time has come to such an unexpected stop.
If any of you guys wanna come over to have a chat again once in a while, I'll be on build almost everyday building on my house, hoping to see as many of you as possible
The reason I made a thread and not a normal wall post is because I think this is a matter to reach EVERYONE on EW.
Which makes me kind of sad, to be honest, because I always liked chatting with the guys while building some nice stuff. There where always minimum 5 people on any time in the evening and it never got boring.
Nowadays, I just open MC once in a while and go to Multiplayer and it just shows me "EpicQuestz Build Server blabla - 0/idunno players" and I'm like "Oh maaan, this suucks!"
I miss good old times, building with you people, so here's a few things I have noticed:
- I never see lock online anymore
- EpicQuestz' YT channel doesn't upload any Middle Earth updates anymore, which is obviously due to the fact that nothing is happening.
- No one builds for the Middle Earth project anymore, which is kinda sad.
- Occasionally, there's ONE DAMN PLAYER online, and that player is always dead AFK and/or someone I have NEVER seen before (on Siege OR Build...)
- If people actually are on build, we have a nice time, but since nothing is being built anymore, there's no progress to view or something like that so people just join if there's other people on to chat with. You get where this is going right? If everyone only joins if there's someone online, no one joins.
- Most people I would refer to as the "community of my times" are only active on the forums, with occasional visits to Siege and no visits at all to Build
So yeah, that's pretty much it. Just wanted to relief myself of some pressure and get the engines running again, if you know what I mean. I don't know if that is possible, but I would LOVE to see the community return to build!
Not exclusively, but ESPECIALLY the guys I spent some time with:
Karl, haven't seen you for ages, lock, where the hell are you? Kevin, pete, you where the first people I met on build! adam, Python, you both where total douches and Pyth, I still hate your interiors, but I still miss you guys! Epic, we used to chat allot, later on I had a few nice conversations with Ant, ice and Dani, I remember talking about Scandinavia with olex, I could talk about anything with gele, and lil' Nikky trying to fit into EW

I might have left some people out, but the point is, even though I don't play that much MC anymore, I had a great time on build and I'm sad to see that this time has come to such an unexpected stop.
If any of you guys wanna come over to have a chat again once in a while, I'll be on build almost everyday building on my house, hoping to see as many of you as possible

The reason I made a thread and not a normal wall post is because I think this is a matter to reach EVERYONE on EW.