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  • What do you play now????
    Some online games, xbox, mostly Steamt tbh. . I still check naw quite a lot, but I'm most active on steam
    I'm probably gonna quit MC, be on once in a while. I lost interest in it while my Mac broke. Another 500+ hours on a block game isn't worth it. Adios!
    ;( we getting some players on NaW now come back
    gl my boi, always a good friend to me
    gg demoted for calling someone a fgt lol k cya folkz
    how did u even get helper in the 1st place
    Still won't be on for a while, if I'm not actively on for another week- 2 weeks more, I'll resign. My Macbook got fixed, but refuses to charge. I literally can't get it to open.
    Quality helper! Totally not toxic and definitely super friendly. <3
    Won't be around in game for about another 6-8 days. Some retard left chocolate on my computer and now it's leaked in and I have to get it to the repair guy, so RIP.
    Chapter 9.
    A player called XXPRESTONFANBOYXX came up and killed them all with his stone sword using a magical thing called bhop.
    Very funny
    Chapter 8.

    As the sun set in the newly conquered city of Morleth, the Mirstonian forces were scattered. No one was expecting anything, after all, it just fell. Efros would never take it back! No one guarded the gates, the patrols weren’t organised. Perfect. Thought Fightin, “perhaps this will work for once!” He and his squad threw a grappling hook onto the walls of Morleth, and climbed up the former Efrosian territory.

    How to bored
    Sorry I missed last week's last chapter, here it is:

    Fightin was pissed. He and a few others were sent along to the woods of Morleth to harass Mirstonian forces. He had 5 men. Mirstone had siege engines and 10 battalions. How was that supposed to be fair? He sighed. Suicide mission, as usual. He mounted the horse, took out his bow, and waited in the shadows of the trees. His comrade whispered beside him "You sure this will work?" Fightin said "When did Efrosian suicidal missions ever work?" His squad smirked and went back to watching the road.
    You should make like a book you are a really good story teller. Please I want more storys!
    Not going to be doing any more chapters until further notice. I don't have the will to write so much xD. Publish ONE LAST CHAPTER tormorrow.
    Going to miss a chapter today, shit day at school. Can't write well.

    Hyper and Carde will be featured tormorrow.

    @GneeP can you make up some sort of proper name please? GneeP isn't exactly the best name for a story... (No offence)
    Chapter 5.


    Jason stood alone on the Alrea walls staring at the morning sun. The light didn't bother him, nor did the wind. "The sense of danger is in the air..." He thought. As he pondered upon this a faraway cry of a horse came. He stood on alert. "Mirstonians?" The horse came into view. It was displaying an Efrosian banner. He sighed. At least they weren't under siege. He shouted down "Open the gates!"
    As the gates creaked as they opened a battle worn messenger burst in. "I was told to look for the Captain in charge of Alrea, and give him this letter." "That'll be me, then." said Jason. He took the letter and took a look. It bore the symbols of the Capitol. "Guards, give this man a bed and some food. He is clearly combat-worn." The messenger looked grateful as the guards led him away. "And now, for the letter." Jason opened the letter, careful not to break anything in case Archives wanted it. It read "Jason, my dear friend. If this message gets out to you, it means Morleth has fallen. I fear for Alrea, Mirstone has amassed an army, armed to the teeth, with new technologies, I fear that they may become unstoppable. I've seen a siege engine that can move with ease, and contains as much firepower as a trebuchet may contain. They call it a "Tank". I do not know what god has given them this, but I do know that this will bend the war in their favour. My god, be careful.



    Jason opened his mouth in shock, as he processed the information. Mirstone has a top notch army with unforetold weapons, and Morleth has fallen.... With Morleth lost to Mirstone, Alrea is now under imminent danger. Jason stuffed the letter in his pocket, and started to give out the day's instructions.

    Chapter 6.


    Mighty sighed a sigh of relief when he was told Morleth was fully under Mirstonian control. He watched as prisoners was being kicked about, loot was being stockpiled, and dead bodies being buried. Fallen men. God knows how many was lost today. Just as they burst in, three Efrosian men jumped from the citadel walls, and waded into their armies. They disabled a tank, killed 50 men and set fire to the food reserves. "At least Efros ended off worse.." Efros lost almost all of its siege weapons, and a tenth of their army, save three men who were being kept as prisoners and awaiting interrogation. He went into the dim lit interrogation room, where three Efrosian soldiers were covered in dust and slapped on chains. The door closed and the interrogation began.
    Chapter 3.


    Mighty stood in front of what remained of the Morleth wall. It was blasted to pieces. The cannon stood ready, still smoking from it's last shot. A few mirstonians were standing by on his command. He shook them off. Morleth's Captain was already killed while attempting to shoot the cannon's firing mechanism, yet all it did was bounce off and annoy the firing squad. "Complete waste of good lives." he mused. A second later, a battle cry came amongst his men. "For King and Country!" Mighty rallied his men, and charged.

    Chapter 4.


    Greening was amongst the few left to defend Morleth from Mirstone's blood-chilling rage. Except.. He was one of the most known swordsmen in the realm of Ketan. He could fend off a third of Mirstone in a fair fight, alas. Mirstone wasn't known for it's fairness. Their more promenent tactics involve jumping on one person with four times the number of troops, or shooting them repeatedly with poison-tipped arrows. "We're fighting a losing war..." He thought. One of the surviving troops shouted "They've breached the walls! Man the cannon!" Greening knew it was hopeless. Their cannon blew up the gunpowder reserves right after it turned the walls into dust, ash and blood. Connor, their leader, was hit while trying to see what's going on. The reserve lieutenent was also shot while attempting to disable their cannon, and all it did was... Nothing. Their morale crumbled as they thought of what happened. One second earlier, they were enjoying a nice, quiet morning and the next thing they knew, they were stormed by Mirstonians. "What has become of Ketan?" thought Greening. But it was no use. He could spot Mirstonians cutting down Efrosians left and right. Soon, only him and a couple of others remained. He looked around, and spotted his best mate, Josh, and another unknown soldier with him. He looked at them and said "I'm not going down without a fight. You in?" Josh smiled and the soldier nodded his head. A minute later, a battle cry was shouted and the three jumped into the battlefields with intent of taking as many Mirstonians with them as they could.
    Me pls but I'm not special
    The Gne god will help alrea
    Let's try this out.

    This is based off one season where Mirstone came ravanging at Alrea and shit like that. This made @Fanta02 ragequit and get autism.

    (This story uses real naw characters so no offence if it offends u guys)

    Chapter 1.


    It was an insufferably hot day. The sun rose an hour before usual. Amazon woke up with beads of sweat stuck on his forehead. "Bloody hell, this heat is going to be the end of me." he thought, as he sat up and began his morning routine. He picked out a set of armour. "Hmm, which set today?" He settled on a set of Armorian bronze, which he took off a fallen Armorian Captain in the Siege of Secris. He set about to go get his weapons, but suddenly, there was a sense of danger. A sense of blood. A sense of war. He shook it off, Alrea was so high, no one would dare to attack it, plus, it had him and his Regiment to defend it. Who's powerful enough to defeat them? He smirked and grabbed his sabre, and went outside.

    Chapter 2.


    The city of Morleth was a quiet one, usually. Alas, it provided as a suitable barracks for the Efrosians. The camp contains a tenth of the Efrosian army, and is filled with siege weaponary. They would wipe out a nation before the day was out with this gear. He wiped rest of the blood off his forehead. A day before, Norvalian soldiers attempted to storm the town. Needlessly to say, they were massacred. Every last one of the Norvalians were murdered. None of them survived. They were looted and dumped into lime pits. The city of Morleth wasn't a rich town. It was an Emerald mine, and surrounded with miles of empty plains save one direction. The only reason someone would conquer this was because it had a direct route to Alrea, the diamond town. The town which everyone treasured. As he mused about all of this, a sound came ringing forth. Attack! Incoming attack! Connor quickly grabbed his spear and shield, and rushed to the gates of the City. In front of him, stood a horde of Mirstonians. Armed fully and with them, carrying... What is that? Horrified, he strained to take a closer look. It looked like a cannon... Except, it was mounted on siege wheels and was fully operational. He then noticed another thing. The cannon was facing the wrong direction. He smirked. That wouldn't be doing anything then. As he was feeling good about it, the cannon turned. It swivelled on a pair of unseen axises. It turned around, and fired right into the face of him, the city walls, and another 10 men.
    Nice, put me in it pls
    Sure I'll do it for the next chapter
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