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Recent content by Cath

  1. Cath

    You Live or You Die.

    When you play the game of Empire War, you either keep the server alive, or die donating.
  2. Cath

    Level up! - Siege ideas. What do you guys think?

    Hey all, I had an idea recently as it came up in some skype staff chat on improvements and stuff to siege, and things to be added, removed, etc (Like no more main lobbies, which was removed recently.) Now, from bouncing off ideas, I thought of this a long with taking other people's ideas in the...
  3. Cath

    I am sorry xD

    Basically, I know about this Breezly guy so I did /tempbanip Breezly 30days Hacking and it banned EVERYONE on the server.........I mean.....dafuq? I thought ban Iping him was a good idea because of all the alts he had o-o
  4. Cath

    Thou Art Risen of Slimes

    They have returned, she has returned, oh slimey one of the temple, the secrets with pages of 5 paper leather located within build, but the temple somewhere else. Her majesty survives and thrives within the palace but be careful where you step. There is a reward......if you are worthy. Find the...
  5. Cath

    Server Has Been Hacked

    Ok as you all probably know the server has been hacked, the situation of EmpireWar's future is uncertain as this is very serious. Understand that this is hard to re-code and that there is no information on who did this so far. - Slimegirl24
  6. Cath


    Howdy do! So........Hai there. I'm Slimegirl24, or Cath. I enjoy Art and Video games. In my free time I play rounders for my school team, and just draw stuff. It's sad when something good ends, but there's always a light after it, and that light I found and saw, and my boyfriend Tim (Sauronius)...
  7. Cath

    ynnojax, I am replying to what you said on my wall here.

    Hi ynnojax, I can't reply to posts on my wall (laptop issues) So I will reply here: I have been active, I go onto EW quite a bit but I also have spent a lot of time on the build server.
  8. Cath

    Server is down??

    This morning, 7:21am English time, the server was down. All other servers on my list work, but just EW server. It says "Pinging" with a cross on the connection and just now changed to have a "Can't connect to this server" in red. May just be me, but just in case I will post this.
  9. Cath


    I posted my first LOTR RP Thread, go along and have a look if you want :D Tell me what you Think I can improve on!
  10. Cath

    Just to let you people know...........

    To Whoever it may concern, Just to let you guys know, at the moment the Empire War website doesn't work for me D: This means I can't post anything on My OWN page, other people's walls, I can't buy anything, (I was able to buy VIP because I bought it on my Mum's Computer) can't search up users...