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  • Hello everyone.
    Today at 2pm CET and 8pm CET are meetings on my server where you can inform yourself about our newest project!
    Thats in 8 hours 35 minutes
    And in 14 hours 35 minutes from this post.
    Hope for many visitors and see you later!

    Signed: DrGaster, itos01 and Akuma Sakamoto
    also everyone is welcome to join in 2 hours
    Wanted: dead or alive: wild_yogurt.
    He griefed ikokocraft, deleted all files and worlds as well as he broke several rules, just for not beeing accepted as builder.
    Reward: his head plus special perks.
    Whoever can bring me his skype contact gets the reward. Thanks for your attention.
    Why'd you keep him opped? That's like removing someone from a kik group and not blocking them. That's a big mistake. But if you'd like, you could just call it karma.
    i neither opped, nor saw that person, he was applying for builder when i was asleep already
    Attention everyone,
    I am searching for coders, able to handle the plugin BetonQuests.
    Whoever is interested/able to, feel free to send a private message to me.
    I will then explain the biggest project, according to BetonQuests at all!
    If you know anyone who might want to help, spread this message.
    Thanks for your attention:
    itos01, Akuma Sakamoto, DrGaster
    itos, itos
    is it true that u "I" toes
    please dont "I" my toes
    Alright, for everyone who wants to move something, for everyone who wants to build a world from an anime, everyone who would love to make a roleplay map and for everyone who enjoys building,
    As some of you might know, i got my own server which surely can become a really big thing, but we are lacking people at every corner. Everyone who wants to help, who wants to see our process or who wants to know what we are planning (and that what we have planned is huger than the actual earth)
    The server ikokocraft.myserver.gs
    Version 1.8.9 is looking towards visitors, helpers, builders, coders, developers and players who might want to help. For any information you can either PM me, join the server and ask the current staff team or you just reply to this.
    Greetings: itos01, Akuma Sakamoto or DrGaster.

    P.S.: we will include Anime, Roleplay, Factions and more servers 
    Itos it says the adress is blocked on my server wtf do I do
    maybe it is your computer or the server crashed over night, ima check that
    Allright, for everyone who wants to move something, for everyone who wants to build a world from an anime, everyone who would love to make a roleplay map and for everyone who enjoys building,
    As some of you might know, i got my own server which surely can become a really big thing, but we are lacking people at every corner. Everyone who wants to help, who wants to see our process or who wants to know what we are planning (and that what we have planned is huger than the actual earth)
    The server ikokocraft.myserver.gs
    Version 1.8.9 is looking towards visitors, helpers, builders, coders, developers and players who might want to help. For any information you can either PM me, join the server and ask the current staff team or you just reply to this.
    Greetings: itos01, Akuma Sakamoto or DrGaster.

    P.S.: we will include Anime, Roleplay, Factions and more servers
    I'm learning how to code currently, I can do a little bit there. Since I'll be working on my coding for mods n stuff for the next couple years, I can work on simple things and try and find people who r good already
    so i guess YML is possible for you? if you can do Java already, you get my highest-non-family member-respect, the highest respect towards people not in my family yet
    bumping this, because we really need help, comen nobody interested?
    Lonely me helps everyone, all my hopes and dreams were gone, once there was a shining spark, in the darkness deepths so dark, lonely me gave up to try, lonely me just stopped to cry.
    pffft no problem and i wont give up so easily, i may post poems, pictures or quotes which may lead towards that thought, but i am the person who has more reasons to keep on going. and i do not mind that "ey" xD
    I'm gald to hear! :3 Haha, then I'll say ey more often
    hello, it's me, I've been waiting over here to watch you come onto the feed, to-
    I don't know where to go with that. Ah,hmm.
    aww cx i am on the feet the entire night for you
    I have a friend named itos
    AOT server's loss cut too close
    Nothing rhymes, like, half the time
    I gotta eat I'm low on glucose

    (A crappy peom bc im bored af)
    wew a heartbreaking poem tho
    Hi Im back ur welcome
    It seems like Dylan is afraid of popular players. Else he would not search that much on reasons to ban them
    Hello it is me again,
    A friend of me was banned because of acusing soneone for breaking the law. That actually can not be fair. Also it is probably against the right of privacy to post a screenshot of a private skype chat on any social media without the permission of the other participant.
    For questions i will be there.
    I just warned you about bad times.
    Question: can i be accused for advertising or such for posting an IP on here?
    Erwin Unstoppable
    You can. But it would make no sense to seeing as this is a public site for all minecrafters to get together share fun times and have fun together. So go ahead and anyone to deny you that freedom should rethink a few things,
    Well i guess the time arrived to say thos, and i hope i can count on my friends no matter if old or new ones. Dylan you just went 1 step too far. That is taken as a direct offense against my person and i can only promise that really bad times will come if he continues like that.
    Vive la rebellion
    There is absolutely no chance of that at this juncture, as you have had your friend threaten the company and threatened Dylan with "Bad times".
    my friend? probably the bad times come along with the people who like me, who are thinking about leaving omco.
    Erwin Unstoppable
    Hmm all this over what should be so little. I mean really enough with the biggest dick contest. He shared the IP over a private source that would allow him to share it with whoever he wants. If he advertised on the server or on the forums then I can understand it. But he did not do ether of those and used skype. And lets consider this : anyone he is sharing this with on skpye is a friend. So it's just him letting his friends get involved. I mean really are you just looking for people to punish people? OH NO He shared a ip over a private site. Whatever shall we do? Well not much else to say. Honestly I think dylan was in the wrong to ban him over such childish reasons. (and don't try to make a point on how childish I acted to get banned. I know I did but I have no regrets and still laugh about that to this day) Also dylan bought him MP (or so you claim idk) but even if that's true what is even the point in saying it? Sounds like you are just trying to make dylan sound like a nice guy. Like you are trying to make someone feel bad about badgering dylan. This is just my opinions if you don't like them I don't care if you do like them I don't care/ To be perfectly honest im just going to go on itti's server do some stuff maybe then play league all summer.
    Hello AOT community,
    Some of you know me, some of you not.
    Infact i am banned with the reason: " Server recruiting thru skype".
    Also Dylan sent me a message on skype about that i am banned and that he heard that i am adding people from omco on skype to give them my servers address.
    Now a question: wouldn't he have to ban for advertising thru skype as well? Isn't skype a private thing?
    Here i just want 3 things to be done.
    First: i want that all proof or evidence of what i have done is listed by you, Dylan.
    Second: i want a list of those people who blamed me for this.
    Third i want to make clear that every person i asked for help on my server, was involved into the idea of creating or asked for it on theirselfes.
    Please think about this ban again and make sure that the first two things are done. Else this ban is pointless and proof from other servers and from skype does not count, because then i did not do anything on your network.
    With not that nice greetings: itos01
    The AOT server gets crappier and crappier every day. They only have, like, four active players at the moment that AREN'T mods or higher. Dylan won't have anybody on his shitty server if he keeps banning everybody for reasons he should NOT be able to ban them for.
    you are totally right Sapphire. that is the reason i started to grow my own server.
    Ah thats fine and i dont think you deserved to be banned
    we will soon rebuild the laboratories, as well as everything else we had in the old times
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