Class Name: Calvalry archer
Armour: dyed red leather chest plate and dye light grey leggings and Iron boots
Weapens: wooden sword Bow with Power 1, a Wooden Pickaxe Re-named Arbalest
Food: 5 steak
Tool/Gear: 5 ladders horse spawn egg and when the horse spwans it recives 10 hearts 20 Arrows...
Hey Everyone I thought it would be a great idea to add team colors instead of red vs blue the whole time.
After awhile I find it a eye sore And as I have said before If Conwy And Brawl has had it. Why would'nt it work here?
Im so tried of the Orcs having more players then the Dwarfs do. Theres less of a challenge and quite franky unfair.
I want Tim to change how Team balancing works in general to make the rounds more fair for players such as me.
Because its unfair when half the time the attacking team has 10 times...
this started last week some time And I thought it was Normal and well it isnt.
When I stand by a flag my mvp and score doesn't update and So im not eble to get points a Total score etc.
I only able to get points/Total Score from kills!
Today I'm wondering if I can please have my Sage rank back.
my old mc name is keaton10.
my new one is Dazse.
I payd 75 bucks for it and I wanna have it back. pls