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Recent content by Kordianthegreat

  1. K

    is dwarves cooler then elves

    They are both cool. STOP TRYING TO START A FLAME WAR.
  2. K

    NEW Banning Game

    Banned for Role-playing as a dwarf too much
  3. K

    Harondor 1

    hmm... (( 1050 Vs. 1000 )) Places archers in 4 rows of 100 each back with 2 lines of Spearmen 250 each in a phalanx Puts Gondorian cavalry in reserve ready to charge into the battle so as to be able to cut down the half troll Reavers (( Hey, I saw the Skirmish info, Heavy Infantry < Cavalry. but...
  4. K

    (New CLan) Necromancers

    ( I bet Beepbobit will hate on me because of this ) So.. I've decided to make a new "Evil" clan centered around Necromancy The ranks are Legendary Lich: (Owner/Found): KordianThegreat Lichs: (Co-owner/ leaders of clans I have alliances with ): RoloAguero, DimitriP_13421 Necromancer: ( Highest...
  5. K

    A continueation of The Role-play quest by Lucolas01 (( Continued by Kordianthegreat ))

    I have Some new additions to this.. It will start where we ended. The tavern. New additions: YOU NOW HAVE CLASSES! Beepbobit: Mage Kordian: Rogue Andrew: Swordsman Dimitri: Beserker. NOTE: All those who join MUST pick from the classes above. Now Onto a tech tree. For Andrew: You can Choose 2...
  6. K

    The battle for middle earth

    (( DO NOT REVIVE THE 12 WHICH IS WHAT I AM WRITING ABOUT, THANK YOU! If you do not know much about the 12, IT IS SERVER LORE, Do not bring it back! )) A long time into the of the 12 there were 12 beings, They were stronger than Maia (( Again Dimitri thought up of these things, hate on him not...
  7. K

    The mighty elven lords of Rivendell

    At the battle of Helms Deep there were 2 great elven lords called Kordian The great and Bobby the Wise. Bobby was able to slice an orc's head off in a second without breaking a sweat. While Kordian was able to snipe enemies 150 meters away. The two elven lords sniped 10 beserkers at the wall...