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  • I have the feeling that something weird is going on on Empirewar, ever since I've joined :/

    I remember the time when there weren't major discussions about banned players and generally people didn't get banned. Well except that "Revolution"-thingy which occurred, but also veteran players like Only_God and all the others, who I haven't had the please to meet yet, who, with their departure, mostly due to personal reasons, have left Empirewar a bit shabby (not in a bad sense ofcourse and I'm not blaming them either). I think it is also majorly due to the fact that Empirewar has gained in popularity (which is great), but we were fewer players back then and everything was a bit more "relaxed".
    And now. People are getting banned all over the place and the community is in an uproar ever so often. I just wish that at some point we could go back to those times. One day perhaps. To re-live the (in my eyes) "golden-days" of Empirewar.

    But some could say that I out of all people, am not the one to say what was, which is true. I haven't been here from the beginning, but I can imagine what a fun time it must have been.

    Sorry...but I just had alot of thoughts running around in my head and I decided to right them down.

    If you see this text as complete nonsense, then I sincerely apologise
    So I heard that Simply Red is touring again this year for their 30 year anniversary....well at least something good is happening this year
    You should listen to some of their songs, that's if you're into Soul/Jazz/pop
    Alright, I'm done with all my Hardcore Mock Exams (Maths,Science,German,Spanish),
    now its just time for me to relax and study for Histroy and English
    (which are both pretty eZ)
    AND (the best thing is...)
    In 14 weeks i'm going to be having my real IGCSE Exams.
    I would like to say one thing to Tim:
    "Who can let go of the past, can look to the future..."

    What I mean is, if Tim is willing to change the past by resolving the banning of several players, he can ultimatley save the future of EmpireWar.

    Personally I think this whole banning thing has gone overboard. I know that some don't agree, but I do think that Tim had his reasons for banning, which means he should be the one to make the first step back to friendship. I can't judge the situation. I wasn't there to witness it, but it can't be that this one incedent was enough to destory the strong bonds that you all have created, I havn't been on this server for as long as you all have been.
    But if you all are too stubborn to just sit down and talk about this, as reasonable individuals, then this server really is lost.

    I know I have done some 'questionable' things in the past and still, I was able to learn from my mistakes and have a talk and resolve things, no matter how extreme or painful the incidences were.

    If there is one man, who can resolve this dilemma, who can save EmpireWar from ruin, who can forge back the broken bonds.
    It will be sjoerdtim.

    Let's all try to bring EmpireWar back to it's former glory!
    I know we all have the power to change things.
    I don't think anyone is understanding, we have done nothing and i mean NOTHING wrong
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