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  • Hey guys, I am still alive and I always come back to check on the server with hope. Can someone please explain to me if the server is back up and can someone give me an update? I have a lot less time now because of College but I still play sometimes and you never really lose muscle memory for Minecraft bow skills
    Dunno if you ever still check this (judging by the "Last seen Jan 13, 17" probably not), however if you do end up back here sometime I just wanted to let you know that I still think about you from time to time. You were a great guy and helped me get through a really rough patch in life, even though we never met in person you had an impact on me and I wanted to let you know.

    Not sure if you have a Snapchat but if you do please add me sometime so we can catch up, my username is AdamTeBeast. Hope you're well!
    Hey man, I also think about you sometimes and wonder how you are. I dont have snapchat but I can add you on fb messenger in private :)
    Would it not be cool if Troy could be transferred to Cascade/Tow (or whatever the new name is) ?
    Just saying
    Im kinda freaking out atm. I never had a copy of the Troy map files, if anyone has an idea of who has them and how to contact them or if anyone has them please let me know. Im trying to find them from people myself :(
    Hey guys so I decided that I was going to watch the lotr and hobbit movies for the first time. (YEAH I KNOW ITS WAY OVERDUE). I watched the hobbit movies first but now I am debating. Should I read the books first before watching the lotr trilogy?

    Also, I finally have seen ma boi Legolas in action and I get the nickname many gave me on conwy xD. He fights exactly how I like to PvP.
    I would watch the movies first because then when you get around to the books you actually know what the hell is going on and what places look like. Make sure to see the extended editions though, they add a lot to the story and characters

    Back after a long break from MC. Had a gf, school, and other stuff so I had no time.
    Happy Birthday! (If it is of course)
    Wow Finally done all but one of the trips I had scheduled. I was in LA for a week and a bit! How is everyone???
    Good, and you seem to be going good as well.
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