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Recent content by miho47dwa

  1. miho47dwa

    Defender bonus capture

    Thats probably a good idea. But, as a counter argument, it will no longer be possible to score high and compete for mvp on any map without focusing on capping flags, which seems really odd to me.
  2. miho47dwa

    Implemented Changing method of gaining heroes

    As Olex said, gate damage is a good idea. The only other thing I can think of is killing someone capturing a flag, like 3x for kill/assist. I think all the heroes should be "team-based". The idea of getting a hero and going for very high killstreak/constantly killing the backline is beyond...
  3. miho47dwa

    Resolved Arrow hit assists

    I am pretty sure that assists are not working corectly when you hit someone with an arrow - you dont get an assist.
  4. miho47dwa

    Ranged classes limit

    I like playing ranged classes, and i think all of them are nicely balanced right now, any buffs or nerfs would only make them bad, or too good. I am open to any suggestions too. Someone could say, that limiting classes, especially free class is a bad idea. And I 100% agree with that. But, i...
  5. miho47dwa

    MANY SUGGESTIONS ( click )

    Yooo. I am coming with huge amount of suggestions. The main point of these changes is to make server just more enjoyable for everyone I AM VERY OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS, SO IF YOU ARE NOT NAMED RIKUMARU MSG ME ON DISCORD :) ( If you are english speaker pls dont kill me, i had horrible teachers 1: I...
  6. miho47dwa

    Ban appeal(discord) and some talk.

    Ok. Firstly, i want to apologize for saying 'fuck you' to Polar and Tob. I know that i shouldnt say that , and i promise that was a first and last time. Simple 'fuck you' is nothing wrong for me and i have problems when i meet peoples who cares about thing like this, me and my friends usually...
  7. miho47dwa

    Denied RobRem53 and massella00 Spawnkilling

    I know I shouldnt post , but , Ish , Rob spawnkilled you only 1 time .Take in mind that you were on unprotected spawn , so being there is not against the rules. If you are moving and can defense yourself its not spawnkilling , its just killing you on spawn , also , massella didnt attack you , so...
  8. miho47dwa

    Wreid ping.

    Hello! I am wondering if someone else has same problems with ping like me . I am pretty sure that's something related with the host , but i want to see how many players have problems with connection . I also have very long terrain loading while joining the server , and chunks on build server...
  9. miho47dwa

    Denied Gundabad(explained)

    O-OqITd_tk4 I have no idea how he isnt banned with these 2 vids. I used them and explained why he is VERY blatant. He is using reach prob 3.5-4.5 but he clearly got even 5 block hit. I think he also may use kb modifier but its hard to say that on 1.9 kb .
  10. miho47dwa

    Class leveling.

    Hello. I have an idea about class leveling. It something that new players can play for. Every class would have 5 lvls . IOf course its not ready , if you have suggestions post them Levels lvl 0 - 0 score lvl 1 - 50 score lvl 2 - 100 score lvl 3 - 200 score lvl 4 - 500 score lvl 5 - 1000 score...
  11. miho47dwa


    It can be a book or short minimap when you have to pick team, spawn, use spear, cap flag etc. In book on the first page would be how to pick a team , pick a class and spawn. On other how to use spear , cap flags etc.
  12. miho47dwa

    Something wrong with connetction

    Sometimes i cant join the server . Its not my internet i can play on other servers normally.
  13. miho47dwa

    Reporting Gundabad1 (yes..)

    Name of reported: Gundabad1 Reported for what: autoclicker Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqdZTGZAcE0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaVtpNkzPtc Further problems:
  14. miho47dwa

    Make weapons UNBREAKABLE !

    Why weapons are breakable? I dont know 1 reason why they shouldnt be unbreakable. Let gud players get bigger ks in one game . Its so anyoing when after your weapon break you have to die or relog. Or maybe make them restockable ??
  15. miho47dwa

    EmpireWar will be closed in less than a week
