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Recent content by nautilus64

  1. nautilus64

    Help Me Save Fred

    Many years ago, once upon a time, in a magical land far away, in a journey that will last long, in a wonderful world, noobilus69 once roamed the land. The map was minas tirith, and he was playing on Mordor. Noobilus82 was fascinated by the haradrim, and especailly mumakil. He ventured off from...
  2. nautilus64

    Where can the community continue to thrive?

    Hello, friends. Well, we all knew this would happen one day. But hear this; just because EW dies, doesn't mean that the community has to. Sure, the maps, classes, and experiences may be lost in time, but what about us? Is there a place where we will all be? Like the build server, a factions...
  3. nautilus64

    Player Portfolios

    Here on Empire War, we have a unique philosophy in which staff should be only chosen by mods in a long and thorough examination process followed by a discussion. Nothing should be changed here, this is an extraordinarily good mentality to have when selecting possible candidates to help the...
  4. nautilus64

    The Empire War Chronicles! The Rebirth.

    Hello all! If you maybe remember, a loong time ago I made this thing called the "Empire War Chronicles", which was basically a player-made empire war forum newspaper type thing. I never got to it, but I've finally decided to revive it and make a commitment. So once or twice every two weeks or...
  5. nautilus64

    Didn't get a present? Look here!

    Just because some people didn't do the signup doesn't mean that they can't share in the Christmas joy! So if you didn't get a present under the EW christmas tree, in the replies just simply state what you're joyful for (or about) and your IGN, and I will supply you with 2000 POINTS asap! (Also...
  6. nautilus64

    Empire War SMP Survival Server?

    Hey guys, I was recently looking around for a good SMP, small-community survival server. I searched, and searched, and could not find one. Then an idea popped in my head! (pretty crazy, right?!?!) Anywho, the title says it all. Why not make a vanilla, survival, anti-grief server on empire war...
  7. nautilus64

    Troll Chieftain Bug- Sharpness vote + KB FIXED

    So I realized what was going on with troll chieftain not getting kb and sharpness The sharpness vote. With the sharpness vote activated, you don't have the knockback and sharpness on it. Without votes though, you do get the knockback and sharpness on it. It seems to be inversed, but at least...
  8. nautilus64

    A necessary change for reports.

    Hello all, As you may have guessed, this thread is going to talk about how forum reports need to change (YA DON'T SAY?). First off, is the "No-posting-on-reports" rule still even active? There are many reports and many people still discussing on them. I totally agree with this, the only person...
  9. nautilus64

    We'll get through this host crap.

    We did it a couple times not too long ago, even if it's a longer wait this time, we will still definitely do this. I'm serious, if 960266 can pull through all this bull, I will PLEDGE to donate for king rank. And after thinking it king is useless, but for the sake of this wonderful server and...
  10. nautilus64

    [Forum Game] MAKE A BURGER!

    Hello here is an awesome forum game that I made! It's called MAKE A BURGER! The first person replying will say "Top Bun", then there has to be at least 5 crazy ingredients, until someone can say "Bottom Bun", and burgers will be placed in the spoilers section. No double posting, only one...
  11. nautilus64

    Console vs PCMasterRace

    Well, that's the title. Which will you choose? EDIT: Just state in the comments, the poll wasn't working x.x
  12. nautilus64


    Hey, So recently, as you may have known, our *favorite* server has gone down. Now we can persevere and fix it, but it seems as if tibbles is in sort of a slum. He stated "I don't know if I want to keep fixing other people's mistakes". He is really pissed, and doesn't want to do empire war...
  13. nautilus64

    Class Not Existant???

    Hello, Recently the duck class was added, and I purchased it with my beautiful and smexy 1 point. But I don't see it anymore, where did it go? If it was removed in the short time it existed I want my 1 point refund, right now I am very much butthurt. Thank yee, Naut
  14. nautilus64

    Even if EW is down, keep it alive here!!

    Well, shit just went down. Even if the server stays down, this community needs to stay together, so I propose that you can do whatever the crap you want in this forum! Suggestions! -Chat -Share art -Play a forum game or two -Talk about real life -Spend time with fellow patrons of EW -Do trivia...
  15. nautilus64

    Here's the reason why people are angry -Naut

    Hello, Recently people have quit and got mad at this new update. Let me clarify why they hate the update: They paid so much for many point classes, but now can only use all that hard-worked and earned points to buy 4 classes. If this is changed, then people will come back. Maybe something...