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Recent content by Robwookie

  1. Robwookie

    Forum Game: Fatality

    So, I was having a chat with Zoom when my tablet spazzed out again. Needless to say, I thought of a forum game when I was done raging at my tablet in the chat. It's quite simple, really. Figure out the most brutal/horrific way to kill, scare (or more) the person above you. Format: (name of the...
  2. Robwookie


    Hello everyone, my name is, as you may have seen in the title, Robwookie. I'm a 15 year old guy who likes to play games. I was recently promoted to Mod. You can call me: Rob, Robbeh, Robb, Robae, Wookie, Wookeh, Wookster, Robster, Wookierob, Wobrookie, Rookiewob, Robbacca, Robtard (blame Kill)...