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Recent content by RoloAguero

  1. RoloAguero


    Hey guys i have a problem here, I seem to be trapped in the events server and I can't get out. Hope you can help me.
  2. RoloAguero

    Where in Middle Earth Would you Live?

    This is a small quiz kind of Fourbros threads, I think they are fun and I haven't see this one yet on the forums so here it is, Put your ideal Middle Earth Place in the comments. http://www.quotev.com/quiz/4789181/Where-in-Middle-Earth-Would-You-Liive/ I got the Shire I was certain it would be...
  3. RoloAguero

    Keepers of the silmarils.

    Note: This clan's Lore is noncanon and may bother the people who actually read the Silmarilion. Lore: Everything begins when Melkor (Morgoth) is running away with the Silmarils, in his escape he finds two travelers (Maiars), fearing that the Valar may find him and take the Silmarils he...
  4. RoloAguero

    Getting what you paid for.

    A lot of people buys perks for any class on the store, but no always gets to play as that class because of the cap, so i think you should add a system so the people that recently bought a perk for the class can play as that class and the person who was playing as that class but hasn't bought a...
  5. RoloAguero

    The Sauron's Cult

    I hope this thread wont be locked as the last one, here are the Cult's Ranks: High Priest: Head of the cult and Voice Of Sauron: RoloAguero. Morgul Lord: In charge of the baptisms: DimitriP_13421(He will be promoted to High Priest when he had baptized his first acolyte). Cultis's: Member of...
  6. RoloAguero

    Sauron Witnesses

    Today was the first metting of The Sauron Witnesses Cult at the top of minas morgul... the baptised ones are: DimitriP_13421 and CuellarBoys. Thre will be more mettings any time we play on morgul, any one of the baptised will have the power of sauron and may baptist other followers. The Baptist...
  7. RoloAguero

    Star wars is dead!!!!!

    I have just seen the last Star Wars The Clone Wars episode from the last season i just devastated by the fact that it had to end like. Goddam you Disney, goddam you Lucas i hope you die impaled by a lightsaber.. :(
  8. RoloAguero

    The Black Gate (Morannon)

    I think a black gate map will work perfectly as a a little map after playing in huge maps like Minas Tirith,,: I would be easy to build considering the epicquetz team building skills and Tim's server management. I would be awesome to see how you figure out how to make this kind of ideas work...
  9. RoloAguero

    I have problems with my Resolution..

    My PC works with a 1024*768 resolution and i only have problems with the server page (see photos below) i didn't needed to report this until i figured that i could't vote for helms update on home page so i would be grateful is you could fix this or maybe telling me if someones has the same...
  10. RoloAguero

    Thanks for Acept me...

    Ok i have been playing on this server like for three weeks..and what i found was a very funny community with.. well the point is that i will like to thanks the people to talked with me when i was a server noob.. cough *Apex* not saying any names at the moment.. i will do what i can to annoy u...
  11. RoloAguero

    Get to know the people you play with... :D

    I made this thread so u people can talk about yourself with other playes of empire war siege server (its still difficult to say it 5 times) lol. If you want you cant post a picture of yourself. For the record i do like women. :D
  12. RoloAguero

    The Empire War LOTR Siege Server Pictures Gallery

    This thread it's for The Empire War LOTR Siege Server (it's a long name lol) players to share their screenshots with others lol, hope you enjoy doing this. :D