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  • Fuckin' Travis. Not only says this in full chat in server. He fucks my perms. Photo next:
    "I'm 14 years old I like this server so much that if I get banned I would just quit minecraft. I understand that the admin don't have time to be on all the time so I want to help monitor chat and help the server in any way I can. I have been admin on EnderWars I am the Owner of my own server and I was mod on EnderOpPvP. THanks for taking time to read this... (Shadow accept my app) bye"

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH lol omfg lool did you seriously just ask someone to accept your app? LOL
    if you don't get accepted without asking you're clearly to shit for the job bahahahahhaha
    omfg LOL hahahahahahah
    Seriously you HAD to ask? xD LOL hahahahaha
    YOu just set a new level of noob LOLOLOLOLOL omfg I can't breath LOLOL
    I'm good friends with Shadow so I was just joking around stop being a little faggot Youkre
    I'm 14 years old I like this server so much that if I get banned I would just quit minecraft. I understand that the admin don't have time to be on all the time so I want to help monitor chat and help the server in any way I can. I have been admin on EnderWars I am the Owner of my own server and I was mod on EnderOpPvP. THanks for taking time to read this... (Shadow accept my app) bye
    it's recommend I remember the word now
    Clean from scary pictures
    The next time you post another seizure-inducing picture, I will fucking murder you in your sleep.
    Did you die from Eden's post? Your wall has been empty since then...
    why is the server offline?
    Maybe cuz its having diareah?
    Im a good admin
    Yes you are Shadow yes you are! Btw I subscribed to Shadowgaming771
    Optifine: Optifine does stuff like, blah blah blah, BUT IT ESPECIALLY ZOOMS INTO PEOPLE'S FACES!
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