that funny moment when i know a girl (muslim) that wish to join IDF and her muslim perants support her.
Allah is not the god of the Torah and the Bible. Allah is false. Christians didn't change anything, we only fulfilled the prophecies of the prophets. You know, when Isaiah and Daniel wrote about a coming Messiah who would save all people and not just the Jews? True Christians know that the Jews are and will always be His Chosen People, but he has encorperated all humans into his plan, as he promised
No not at all. The God of the Bible and Torah is a personal, loving God who wishes to save his creation from its own problems. Allah of the Quran is an impersonal deity who only cares for the worthy
Jesus was a descendant from the line of David, a full blooded Jew, who claimed to be the Messiah, son of Christ, God in person, many many times
Ask her these two things, "If God is an almighty being, why doesn't he just force us to worship him?" and "Hitler believed himself to the second coming of Jesus (no joke), why didn't he win WW2?"
Nah thats where you're wrong, fam. The muslims believe in the same deity as Christians and Jews. These three religions simply have different views on their religions. While we Also have other religions entirely not focussing on 1 deity but more, these clearly stand away from the main 3 ones.
No they do not. You are trying to tell me that the God who sacrificed his own son (who was perfect) for humanity (who betrayed him) out of pure love is the same as the god who doesn't give a shit what happens, who just made the world and now watches it, maybe giving paradise to those who are "worthy"? 2 different characters, one 100x deeper than the other
It is highly suggested you know what you are saying before you say it.
1. Because he doesn't need us to worship him. He is 100% fine without us. He made us for his own enjoyment and praise, and he designed us to be like him. That is with free choice, which sets us apart from the rest of creation. 2. He didn't win WW2 because he was wrong. Because one claims to be something doesn't make it true. If I say, "I am an angel, let me have sex with you" it doesn't make me an angel, and doesn't permit me to have sex with someone. Me being wrong also doesn't prove that angels don't exist
My God, do I love religious discussions. (No Joke, I do love them). Ahoti's statements are true, at a certain point. In the three main religions, the omnipotent is God. He doesn't need mankind, he doesn't need anyone. There is one, and only one, and has no equals. He knows everything in this world what happened, what happens, what will happen, and what will never happen.
Holy shit I started a debate lmao, which wasn't even my intention. Anyway, I do not believe that these gods are the same, instead that there is similarities between the religions. On the other hand, I agree with the purpose of Ahoti's argument, but not the way he gets to it. I believe that all Abrahamic religions have the same similarities with a loving God who created the world and has unlimited power.
Hitler loved Islam, why didn't he win? Also, why does the Bible say that we need to worship? For an "all loving god", certain people go to a cesspit? Yea, fuck off with that idiocy. I'll let you discover the truth on the own, but I believe in religious freedom. PS: Don't try to tell me that I believe in the Big Bang Theory, pure bullshit.
Allah is not a loving god. Read the Quran and the Bible. The Bible states that God IS love, while Allah is too holy to love humans. Like it should be, but God is love
Hitler didn't win because he was a psychopath. He could have pulled it off, but ruined it like they all do. Lets be fair. Humans are garbage. We all deserve to go to the cesspit because we are treasonous liars. He is a loving God because he offered to help us. The only reason some people go to the cesspit is because they refuse to accept that God offered to save them. Maybe because a 'Christian' who isn't truly a Believer ruined it for them, or maybe they don't really know who He is. Or maybe they refuse to accept he is real. (And honestly, to deny intelligent design is exactly that, foolish denial.)
I dont know fam, im speaking from a Neutral position. And I disagree with some of your sayings. The Quran and the Bible are very much the same, on some differences of a few aspects. First of all, I think the "Holy Trinity" indeed is illogical, if I would choose between the most logical of religions I would put Islam and Judaism on number 1, and Christianity further down the list. This is how the list would look like based on religions we hear alot about. 1. Islam, Judaism (both the most logical and identical) 2. Luciferianism 3. Satanism 4. Christianity 5. (other religions that take polytheism to the extreme) I would not say that in Islam, God LOVES the humans, for he likes the worthy and understands the differences of situations. Which should be the most logical of all. Those whom never had the chance to be worthy, are not expected to be worthy. From the age of 0 to 10-ish, would death occur in a human's life in that lifespan, they would be welcomed to Heaven. Same for those who never heard of Islam before, or those who never got the chance to preach it. In Islam God indeed is by far way too holy to love humans, but as he is way too holy, he still shows care if he wants to, (which in a certain aspect is considered 'divine love'). And I cant write more because Enjin only allowes a certain amount of sentences, shame, was about to start on other religions.