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Empire War Forums

Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer
Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer
American Civil War is overrated. “BUT SLAVERY!” Bitch, Britain was the real deal in ending slavery. Napoleon? I owe him: gave some degree of courage to Italians to make a (shitty) nation. Still, 30 years war seriously needs some coverage. I don’t know much about the 100 Years War and War of the Roses either, but I sure hope the english get to be taught them (unless they’re white supremacist propaganda, because HURR DURR SLAVERY).
Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer
Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer
It’s thanks to people like you that the world is going to shit.
Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer
Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer
What’s with you Swedes and your obsession towards monarchy?
30 Years War? Sure, we had some lessons about it in the german literature history course. I don't know why they didn't mention it in history course. Whatever. I am bothered more by the fact that they don't teach us about the 7 years war, since that was basically a world war for that time and it has triggered many important historical events, such as Great Britain becoming the dominant naval power worldwide and the dominant colonial power in North America, Prussia becoming a major European power and a dominant member of the HRE. England being broke after the war started taxing the shit out of the 13 colonies, causing them to fight for independence, supported by France, so now France is broke and the French revolution happens, which ultimately leads to Napoleon's wars. Also, now that the US is a no-go zone for the Brits, Great Britain starts colonizing Austria. Meanwhile Australia's authority as the emperor of the HRE has been weakened and France realized that they are no longer the bosses on the continent. And Russia has experienced a wave of modernization, since it's new Tsar was a fan of Friedrich II and his progressive reforms. After that the direct influence of the war sort of wears off. But still, it's an important war, yet barely mentioned...
Luxembourg was sort of affected by the 30 years war, our neighbour Germany too, so we sort of covered that topic. But since you mentioned the American Civil War, we barely spoke about that at school. It's a national war on an other continent after all. Not really important for us Europeans apparently. Gosh, i wish they'd teach us more about wars in general...
Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
Well, I'm German. We went into a bit of detail in history lessons, basically looked over all the important dates once and analyzed motives for different factions etc., pretty much like WWII. But I am a big history buff, so I know a lot more about it than most people who were in my year. It should be informed about more though, politically it was hugely important to the development of the European nations. Btw, am I going to see any of you guys and gals in Prague in May? It's the 400 year anniversary of the Prager Fenstersturz, which just so happens to have started the 30 years war. I'll be heading down there from around the 22nd to the 25th with r3cry to check out some events, so yeah - come there!
I'm not obsessed with monarchy. In fact, I'm kind of negative towards it. In this case, I just happen to look up to one specific historic king.
im sorry but for every number you will chose, there have been a war in europe that lasted this long so no.
Well, this war was quite decisive and killed more people than the American civil war and the napoleonic wars combined.
tbh you guys really like to bring the "killed more people than" to a whole new level in europe. I think each generation really wants to show how many dudes they can kill.
Love you too. Someday you'll be back under a Fascist rule baby ;)
Yeah, but for some reason only jews like to cry about it. You don't hear Europeans bitchin' about it.
Hello there fellow history-lover. Sadly I've been to Prague last year, at that exact time. Was a fun trip. Anyways, the education systems in Europe, the higher ones at least (by that i mean the Gymnasium in Germany, not some Sonderschule, where you get everything as it is), as far as i know, expect students to look up things themselves, if they want to know anything in detail. The teacher is only supposed to get you through that year's schedule. True knowledge mostly comes only from research you do yourself.
I mean, we're damn proud of our interesting and fascinating wars. Sure, some things haven't been ethically right, but that's just how wars are. People die. Certain groups of people die. You Jews should really just accept history and stop rubbing your so-called pain into people's faces, like the crybabies you are.
Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
Yes and no. You don't become a specialist from the stuff you learn at my old school, but you definitely learn quite a bit of detail.
Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
I guess Europeans are fairly proficient at killing eachother.
"I mean, we're damn proud of our interesting and fascinating wars." yay, we killed a shit ton of people and destroyed a shit on of things mostly for dumb reasons
What the fuck Dani... I have never seen a Jew bitch about the holocaust online...
I mean, it is boring in some aspects...