So you are saying don't sell anyone guns. He did it all legally and he had nothing on his record. Tighter background checks would help the people that seem "normal". Like they can test their mental health. Also chill bruh.
I'm not saying that they should ban guns completely. Background checks should be tight AF. I also see no point in equipping any civilian with assault rifles, couldn't care less about that freedom that has caused so many deaths of innocent students. I can see why people would want hunting rifles or maybe handguns (Shotguns are used for hunting in some cases aswell) but... Assault rifles?
Yes it does, I don't exactly have much experience with importing illegal firearms but here in sweden you need the right contacts and the money to get one (Which is alot of money.) I see alot of smug europeans online glorifying their own countries and being assholes about it, but the little gun violence we have here in Sweden is gang related, people importing weapons to settle conflicts. The civilian casualties are unfortunate people who have gotten caught in the crossfire.
True Warlord (That's your old name right) But that doesn't make it a serious threat, alot of people make it seem like 30% of the european population are radical muslims.
No, it fucking won't. Look at prostitution. Illegal. People find ways to get it. Drugs. People find ways to get it. It will be the exact same as firearms.
The only civilians I believe that should have assault rifles are the military veterans and ex-law enforcement. If you are a random ass civilian and you want an assault rifle you should go through a tight as fuck background check. Hunting rifles and shotguns I agree are alright because you know... hunting. Handguns however are another issue, I love handguns but you should go through as a tight background check similar to assault rifles, mainly because more people die of being shot with handguns than assault rifles. You just don't hear about them cause they are not an assault rifle. The only problem when you make background checks tight as fuck the criminals will start to look to the black market for their guns.
lol sadly thats true, the main problem is that they act like 30% of the population are muslims and that they are all united. pushing politions to do pro-islamic moves or anti-islamic moves.
Before Europe is completely Islamified, there will be major fighting back by the local populus. An Islamic state would mean completely removing the concept of Democratic rulership. 1) There are laws constructed to prevent that. 2) If we were to get to a point where that would even start becoming a likely future, the majority of people would go full alt-right and start fending of radical Islam themselves. 3) "radical" Islamists are a problem, but more to the general public than to our political system. They commit normal ass crimes and go to normal ass jail.
true, poland for example refuse to accept refugees (UK as wekk) and redical far right groups gain power. I fear it will end with redical right groups starting to kick out all sort non local population (muslims, jews, gypsys and such), with the islamination of countries in europe or with the economic breakdown of europe (not that liekly but still an option).
Guns are strongly prohibited in Germany. Are there criminals with guns? Yes. So you might now say: "Well, see, guns are illegal but they get their hands on them anyways." But what you fail to realize is the SCALE of things. In Germany, in a city like BERLIN, which is the biggest one in this country, when a doorman gets shot, it is an INSANE deal. It is all over the news. Because that kind of thing doesn't happen here. And the scale of weaponry is also no comparison. In the US, the cops have god damn assault rifles in their trunk, and the guy they'll arrest today might be armed with something that is even bigger. I mean Jesus, our cops barely fire a shot. Of course people can get their hands on anything if they try hard enough, but legality is a HUGE contributing factor. Take Tobacco vs. Marijuana as an example. How many people smoke pot vs cigarettes or cigars? Comparetively, a fuckton less (both in the US and Germany). Now looking at the two drugs, Tobacco in almost all considerable factors is worse for your health than Marijuana. It is even up amongst the most common causes of death. But more people smoke Tobacco, because it is legal, so as a law-abiding citizen, you can consume it with a clear conscience. Going back to guns now, in Germany, a mugger will pull the cardboard knife from his dad's toolbox out of his pocket and demand your money and phone. In the US, he may very well pull out a handgun he bought at the pawn shop 'round the corner. What I am saying is that even lowkey criminals in the US buy themselves a gun, because they are allowed to. There is no risk involved. And because of that, the police is also way more on edge, drawing iron at even the slightest chance of their contrahent making a move. In Germany, way less people get shot by the police because the police doesn't fear for their life every time they make an arrest.
If Gun Control worked then why does Chicago (Where I live first off, secondly, has the strictest Gun laws in America) have the largest amount of shootings per year? We don't have a gun problem, we have a mental health problem.
If our Teachers are armed, then a Gunman wanting to shoot up a school will think twice about it: Cause they know they'll be shot dead. People who shoot up schools do it mainly out of Malice, but also for attention. That kid who shot up that Florida school? He could not be more happy, seeing all the Media coverage he's been given. Now, if he had walked onto that campus, and gotten a cap through his arse, this would not be an issue. If he had known there were armed civilians there, he would not have attacked, cause he'd be dead, and not be alive to get the attention he craves so desperately.
My boy those are no "Gangs". I've been to Sweden. Those "gangs" are "Refugees." I've seen that shit first hand. They'll arrest you if you talk bad about em too. I got cussed out by some old little Swedish Police officer for asking if the "Refugees are causing crime". Not to mention Sweden has the highest amount of Rapes on Earth. (Post Mass Immigration.)