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  1. LimeeFox

    Defender bonus capture

    It is quite known that ultimately, attackers will always have a significantly greater game score than defenders for the sole reason of capturing flags. Defenders can't obtain nearly as many captures as attackers can, this is why I offer a new solution: every two minutes or so, all defenders get...
  2. LimeeFox

    Implemented Make Class Silhouettes clickable

    would be cool if you could not only click on the sign, but also the class 'preview' silhouette to apply a class
  3. LimeeFox

    Resolved Team material submissions don't work

    if you try to submit materials to the team inventory, it doesn't work
  4. LimeeFox

    Welcome :) Here's a hobbit getting bullied [ATTACH] very bad quality too

    Welcome :) Here's a hobbit getting bullied very bad quality too
  5. LimeeFox

    3.1.2 - Hotfix #1

    3.1.2 - Hotfix #1 All of the changes since August the 16th. Fixed donations not applying in-game Fixed commands that allow referencing offline players from not working Fixed (hopefully) invisible disguise issues Fixed hitmarkers not appearing Fixed being able to drop items in protected areas...
  6. LimeeFox

    Constructor Class rework

    in addition to my most brilliant idea from above, I'd like to add that non-constructors/builders should only be allowed up to 2 logs (so 8 wood) at a time
  7. LimeeFox

    3.1.2 - Patch notes

    Empire War v3.1.2 Even though this update has only increased its third digit, it is still quite a big one, technically speaking. The centerpiece of this patch is the migration of the server framework from Paper to Sponge, which as we've explained previously is highlighted by a faster...
  8. LimeeFox

    Implemented Medic cake timer

    Thank you for the suggestion. In the 3.1.2 update coming today, I've added a timer to cakes such that by default, they disappear after 5 minutes of their placement. Class makers can configure future classes with this class ability such that the cakes disappear sooner, or later. *locked*
  9. LimeeFox

    welcome back [IMG]

    welcome back
  10. LimeeFox

    what a handsome lad, looks familiar

    what a handsome lad, looks familiar
  11. LimeeFox

    Pending Deleted berserk kits sword

    We're currently doing a massive update on the plugin, will see if it gets fixed then. note for other devs: I didn't try to replicate the bug yet
  12. LimeeFox

    [IMG] Commander CANNON

    Commander CANNON
  13. LimeeFox

    Resolved Helm's Deep wall blowing

    I'm not sure what you mean, could you re-explain please? what timer?
  14. LimeeFox

    Constructor Class rework

    my idea is to merge constructor and engineer into one single class, remove wood planks from the inventory and only have axe + paper + food. Players should be encouraged to gather their own resources rather than simply restocking planks at restocks, so the ability to place wood doesn't disappear...
  15. LimeeFox

    Implemented Medic cake timer

    Im gonna commit unalive if I stumble upon another one of these forum signatures. But back on topic, this is more of a bug than a design choice, that when you break or eat them the game still thinks they're there. I'll also try adding a timer for the cakes, when I have the time, such that they...
  16. LimeeFox

    Custom models

    Woah, lmao. Wait but, I'm wearing the ring, and yet I'm not invisible? Am I the true Lord of the Rings??
  17. LimeeFox

    Custom models

    splendid! One of the next ites you could do is... The One Ring
  18. LimeeFox

    Planned explanations about abbilities

    We're working on individual videos to showcase and explain abilities. I also want to add a section on the website with each of them, so I'll try to do that when I have the time to work on the website
  19. LimeeFox

    Implemented Helm's Deep Deeping wall issue

    ah yes, we implemented this in 3.1.1 as you can see here: https://forum.empirewar.org/threads/patch-notes-3-1-1.3786/ *locked*
  20. LimeeFox

    3.1.1 - Patch notes

    Empire War v3.1.1 The first patch to the Eriador Update! Considering the numerous new classes, balance fixes, bug fixes and such, the Eriador Update (v3.1) can now make way for v3.1.1! Let's go through all of the changes that happened to the server since January the 12th. Note that a lot of...