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  1. LimeeFox

    Implemented Helm's Deep Deeping wall issue

    I agree. It would be indeed better to disable the Uruk Gate spawn until a certain moment, shifting the focus of the battle to the Deeping Wall, like in the movies. I will work on that ASAP if I can convince my colleagues that this is a good idea
  2. LimeeFox

    Media Assistant Application

    Hey everyone. We're currently looking to expand our media team, which is responsible for creating media such as videos, images and various texts for advertisement, announcements, updates, etc... The (voluntary) job of Media Assistant will involve the - Development of target group-oriented...
  3. LimeeFox

    Implemented Changing method of gaining heroes

    Nice idea. A couple of questions: In the hero granting calculation where you suggested to look at kills rather than killstreaks, could you elaborate more as to how that would affect the calculation? Because at some point, if a team/player reaches a certain amount of kills, will they just keep...
  4. LimeeFox

    Planned Minas Tirith Fourth and Fifth flag

    I think you're mistaking it for the third level flag. I don't see any changes on the 4th one in the changelog.
  5. LimeeFox

    You have been visited by LimeeT Send this to two other friends to avoid obliteration.

    You have been visited by LimeeT Send this to two other friends to avoid obliteration.
  6. LimeeFox

    Great work on Aldburg! [ATTACH]

    Great work on Aldburg!
  7. LimeeFox

    EQ represent! represent!

    EQ represent! represent!
  8. LimeeFox

    there was supposed to be a file attached but it won't let me. also it doesnt let me use...

    there was supposed to be a file attached but it won't let me. also it doesnt let me use formatting stuff
  9. LimeeFox

    tata ta

    tata ta
  10. LimeeFox

    Staff, Moria Update, and Opening Times

    where's yours tho
  11. LimeeFox

    Resolved Half - Troll Stone glitch

    Classes with rock throw ability aren't supposed to have food. Seems like a miscommunication between the development team and the moderator team
  12. LimeeFox

    Eriador Update - (v.3.1)

    Empire War v3.1 The first major update of Empire War (v3) has come! After months of working on this, we’re glad to be delivering the Eriador Update, which focuses on bringing new maps and class abilities in relation to the Eriador region in Middle-Earth. As a bonus, we've also introduced...
  13. LimeeFox

    Not being fixed Voter class vote expires on midnight

    But this breaks gameplay. This is penalizing a lot of players who often happen to live in parts of the world where gameplay is only possible during europpean midnight, and even those players that stay late in europe are also penalized. Imagine you vote at 11:50, having come home from a long day...
  14. LimeeFox

    Not being fixed Voter class vote expires on midnight

    Even though you vote for it, you can't use the voter classes after midnight if you've voted before that time. Penalizes players who stay up late/live in different parts of the world
  15. LimeeFox

    Resolved Backcapping Éoford

    Made it unrecoverable, as we don't have the ability to set complex flag dependencies yet :( *locked*
  16. LimeeFox

    Resolved Players online command not working

    Fixed for Update 3.1 (Eriador update. For the record, right now it's 3.0.4). *locked*
  17. LimeeFox

    Pending Multiple crossbow bug

    hmm doesn't it work to set the item as non restockable?
  18. LimeeFox

    Implemented Commands

    added ranks, forums/site too. leavemsg and joinmsg are configurable via /settings, but i guess I can also code an explicit command like on v2 as-well. as for nextmap, I will see what I can do for the next big Update. The stats are unfortunately a lot trickier to sort out. We obviously have big...
  19. LimeeFox

    Enforcer - Raging Class

    Interesting Idea. I think for us it would be easier to just make it so that every kill either grants you a potion (that can apply multiple effects at once) or otherwise a virtual tracker of your killstreak, and once you right click your sword (for example), depending on your current killstreak...
  20. LimeeFox

    Resolved Throwable cobweb not spawning

    This is fixed in EW version 3.0.5 (which is not yet live), will elaborate more on this when the update changelog comes. Thanks for reporting!