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  1. LimeeFox

    Not being fixed Prebrace on Edhellond

    Here is a brace radius bug: Usually the gate can be braced at 4 blocks in radius (like if you built 4 wood planks perpendicularly to the gate), not even mentioning the 8 block radius for Minas Tirith's main gate, which is 3 blocks thick. (Tested on several gates) but this one gate, second level...
  2. LimeeFox

    Denied 'Skilaton' and 'TweetyPete'

    Most people use OBS, it is the top rated recording software ive heard of. You can look up for other applications too, I'm sure there are a few other good ones
  3. LimeeFox

    Denied 'Skilaton' and 'TweetyPete'

    You need to provide proof :/
  4. LimeeFox

    Were you said over Boromir's death?

    I honestly liked that Boromir died in the Fellowship of the ring when I watched it for the first time. Now that I've gone deep into LOTR and am a nerd, his death scene makes me cry. What about you?
  5. LimeeFox

    Corsair team in Mordor pack description?

    I gave a look to the Mordor pack info, to be sure what I can do with it, and found out that it said Uruk Maceman on Corsair teams in Osgiliath... Besides this it says Gondor Teams, and then without the s for Mordor team?
  6. LimeeFox

    Blackgate flag list broken

    I connected on EW and did /flags to see what team I should help. It said that all flags were captured by Gondor, although when I picked orc team the minimap was showing that none are captured and the battle was happening at the first flag.
  7. LimeeFox

    Why can't Polar bears be wars (not for tamer, but as cavalry class)

    Ok I can understand not having them as the little wolves, but why have a skeleton horse instead of a much more warg looking Polar Bear?
  8. LimeeFox

    Woodden Logs and Barrel rolls

    Hey! It's time for a little Limeeguestion This time I would like to introduce you to woodden log and barrel rolls! Description: Basically, these structures will be rarely installed on a few maps, more precisely, Edoras, Dale, Black Gate, Lossarnach and Thorin's Halls. It would be a defender...
  9. LimeeFox

    wrong banner on Thorin's Halls

    This is the Gondor banner while the team is actually dwarven. Evidence can be found below
  10. LimeeFox

    Empire War schedule

    Okay so let's try to wake up Empire War! NEW SCHEDULE POLL IS OUT! vote for when you will be on next week via this link: https://doodle.com/poll/d67w54impbw4uwpb I offer making a schedule of when everyone can come on Empire War and expect other players. What are you talking about, fox...
  11. LimeeFox

    What team do you like to go to, and why?

    Default maps: What team do you prefer going to, and on which maps? Why? I REALLY want to know what team you guys like going to, list each map and the team you prefer going into and say why. Why not chose the other side? Please write it down here :D New maps (Outer Gondor Update): What team...
  12. LimeeFox

    Troll Sound effects suggestion v2

    So I already wrote a thread about new troll sounds once, in which Tim asked more sounds. I finally got around to do it this evening and here they are, new sounds! https://youtu.be/mZaxPkGPqxI
  13. LimeeFox

    Helm's Deep - The Two Towers

    Hey! We had much fun building these 2 towers with Enoshade and The_Witch_Pikmin Assistance by De_Mik and RedADV
  14. LimeeFox

    Challenging players

    Idea by: WillFrostStorm The idea consists of players who challenge other players, like bets, for number of kills (to get started atleast). WillFrostStorm said that it would be nice to have players compete against each other but officially and without treachery (such as not giving the points...
  15. LimeeFox

    Daily Reward Expiration indicator

    There really should be something which tells you how much time is left till you can claim your daily reward, and even a reminder in chat like when your votes expired. For example, it could be: you click on chest and it says that you have already claimed your reward today, and why not also show...
  16. LimeeFox

    Ideas for Point Shop

    I know that the Empire War staff are working or atleast have been thinking about readding point shop, well here are some suggestions from me and some from the community: Suggested Features for Point Shop: (Disclaimer: The Prices are highly encouraged to be Discussed and Changed)...
  17. LimeeFox

    Weird Banners in Lobby

    It's the siege of Erebor (Gundabad vs Durin's Folk) although the big banner is Isengard...
  18. LimeeFox

    Whoever named Phalanxier "phalanxier" should be brought to jail

    Ok so I just noticed that there existed an ew class "phalanxier". As a man who studies ancient greece and legends for 2 years straight at a scool with proffessional teacher ofc, I must say that a Phalanx was a Hellenic military formation with long pikes. THE INDIVIDUAL WARRIORS IN THEM ARE...
  19. LimeeFox

    gate bracer class

    well ok maybe name is odd but the idea is here: Name: Gate Bracer Type: Voter Maps: Helm's Deep, any other map that has a fair amount of gates Weapons: Stone Sword Equipment/Items: [default] Armor: Leather Tunic, Iron Leggings, Iron boots Potion Effects: <none> [rule]...
  20. LimeeFox

    Dwarvish Architects are nubs

    How come legendary Dwarvish architects do such a weird error