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Search results

  1. De_Mik

    Fisherman (Laketown pointclass)

    The Fisherman (or Retarius) This class contains: Weapon: Stone Sword Armor: Iron Chestplate; Leather Pants; Leather boots. Effects: None Other: Has three throwable fishing nets (Cobwebs), when the thrown net hits a enemy player that player gets stunned for 4 seconds like a fish in its net...
  2. De_Mik

    Coloured Leather boots

    All classes with Coloured leather boots have this one problem: When you vote for enchanted boots the leather boots loose their colour, what looks really dumb when you have a full black leather archer class. 960266
  3. De_Mik

    Why don't we get points from captures?

    Why don't we get points from captures?
  4. De_Mik

    Potetial point class: Wallcrawler

    Goblin wall crawler: The goblin wallcrawler is a scout class which can Climb walls by sneaking next to them, The class can be used on the map Moria great halls. The class contains: -Leather chestplate and boots (no pants) - Wooden sword - Bow -Speed I -Jumpboost I -the ability to climb walls by...
  5. De_Mik


    This would be a great Lord+ thing, Lord+ can just do /nick (Nickname) and when they say something in chat their Name will be replaced with the active nickname for example De_Mik --> Mik won't be too hard to code.
  6. De_Mik

    Welcome messages

    Because there are so many "Help the Newbies" posts, here is another. If a new player joins no one helps him, mostly because nobody knows/recognizes him. The player doesn't know what to do (if he's too stupid or lazy to figure out) and leaves again. So my idea is: When it's the first time the...
  7. De_Mik

    Chest in Royal Post Office (Edoras)

    There are simply chests where people can look in and put stuff in for advantage
  8. De_Mik


    No long story, just wanted to know how many people would like to add points back.
  9. De_Mik

    Potential Osgiliath point classes

    Hey, I made up some classes which can be used for point classes for Osgiliath, If points will be added (maybe never) Gondor: Ranger Warrior -Iron Sword -Bow (4 arrows) -Leather chestplate (green) -Chain boots -Leather boots (green) -Speed I Ranger Archer -Wooden Sword -Bow (Power I, 16 arrows)...