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Search results

  1. m4rine_semperfi

    team ratios

    when the ratios are 1:1, defenders already have defensive positions/close spawns to flags while attackers have nothing i don't know if you have ever heard the term "balance" but clearly the defenders are not balanced with the attackers, which does not allow them to have a chance at winning...
  2. m4rine_semperfi

    Aesthetic/General Suggestions

    This is my first real suggestion that isn't stupid on EW v2:) , if you remember me I used to tryhard suggestions. 1) Old Colors -Player names -> depending on team -Donors ->depending on team or white like the old EW -Death messages -> Not italicized -Side note: add /whois that tells the team...
  3. m4rine_semperfi

    rohan gate spawns are a joke

    rohan gate spawns are a joke suggestion: change them
  4. m4rine_semperfi

    unmute me

    ign TheDirtyDozen reason; beef length month muter: freek explanation: this new bitch and his gang think they're the shit and can push/pull me around just cuz im stickin up for myself i didnt even do anything bad, never harmed anyone innocent, this shit just isn't none of my business anymore...
  5. m4rine_semperfi

    Moria Map

  6. m4rine_semperfi

    [Suggestion] Class Aesthetics

    I think one thing we players miss is the lotr unique classes, even if some were unbalanced it was always cool to hop on and play classes like ithilien ranger, dwarf hammerer, dol amroth knight, etc. I understand EW v2 is going a different route in classes but I feel like there can be a...
  7. m4rine_semperfi

    EW Suggestion

    1) Custom heads We don't need to have as much as we did when EW shutdown, but I think the custom uruk/orc heads really made this siege unique, and switching to wool heads just seems bland to me. Especially calling the teams "Red" and "Blue." This is a LOTR server right? Not another conwy. 2)...
  8. m4rine_semperfi

    wait am I still banned?

  9. m4rine_semperfi

    bring ew back

    for christmas break plss or maybe if tim still has the events like the smaug one maybe we could have a bit of banter
  10. m4rine_semperfi

    People! It feels so good to be back.

  11. m4rine_semperfi

    What lotr character are were you like?

    I want to leave EW with a positive note, so here is a fun idea I thought of: (don't get mad if I didn't mention you or you are something evil- sorry D:) (LONG POST INCOMING) Bilbo: 12791548 Frodo: 7144158 Sam: 16191695 Merry: 6858712 Pippin: 3262925 Boromir: 9802996 Faramir: 9121890...
  12. m4rine_semperfi

    Ban Appeal m4rine_semperfi

    IGN: m4rine_semperfi Banned by: I don't know Banned for: 'wtf you doing' Banned: Today I would just like to say I dindu nuffin. I am wrongly banned. I broke no rules.
  13. m4rine_semperfi

    Reporting Lady_Mairon

    THIRD TIME HACKING BAN THIS SCUMBAG ALREADY! If this is to be the end of Empire War, then at least let us enjoy it without damn hackers! User: Lady_Mairon Rule Broken: Hacks Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9e62nsdTkI&feature=youtu.be (Also side-note, yes actually I got to play ew...
  14. m4rine_semperfi


  15. m4rine_semperfi

    Wow mate

    nBe1F2GHTxs They used the eq map and they didn't put a link or even say anything about who made it, and also this was the one opportunity for a huge youtuber to mention ew but nope. I thought I would share it with you all... Idk, maybe the pmc page didn't say people should give credit in a video.
  16. m4rine_semperfi

    A serious question

    After half an hour of getting targeted on the bridge of morgul with nazgul I wondered this. Why is rik mod? He offers nothing that anyone else can offer other than being a try-hard at pvp. Instead of moderating the server who goes on other peoples accounts and gets 400+ killstreaks and says...
  17. m4rine_semperfi

    When I hear...I think of...

    How it works: Someone says "When I hear ___, I think of ____" (and it continues in a chain with the word that is though of) I want to see what word we will end up with in a few days :) Example: Person 1: When I hear cars, I think of fuel. Person 2: When I hear fuel, I think of fossils. I...
  18. m4rine_semperfi

    Old Erebor!

    I was wondering all of the old flags on Erebor, so if you remember any please tell me! So far I have (In order, kinda): -Front Gate -Entrance Hall -Gallery of the Kings -Crossroads -Throne Room -Stairs -Forges -Bridges -Walkways -Triple Paths -Lower Bridges -Tomb -Lower Halls -Lower Hall...
  19. m4rine_semperfi

    Potential Scandal or OP Warrior!?

    It has been brought to my attention that a user by the name of "bruithwir" has recently taken Rikumaru's top killstreak spot by getting a 717 killstreak. Let's look at the facts: -He hasn't been seen seen on the forums since August 2015, but suddenly gets top killstreak on the server -He has no...
  20. m4rine_semperfi

    Cannot log in to the server?

    lotr.empirewar.org? maybe try event.empirewar.org or rpg.empirewar.org (then do /server siege) I havent had any problems today so idk what the problem is