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Search results

  1. m4rine_semperfi

    atley i havent been able to got on siege or RPG

    try using /server siege? maybe change the server ip to "lotr.empirewar.org" if you haven't already? Its been working fine for me
  2. m4rine_semperfi


    (I made this in discussion so it more people would see it) Siege stuck on osgiliath lobby, helm's deep life counter on the side, and it says isengard on server list. My stats are 0 No more 92 killstreak high for me No more 254 mvp's No more 50k points I think my classes are RIP No more 19k...
  3. m4rine_semperfi

    hulp....im screwed

    1) Try to change your password using the email you signed in with 2) Ask family members if they did anything 3) Wait a few days, may be a bug 4) Make sure to write your passwords exactly, basically just keep trying. You may have made a silly mistake 5) Try logging in with your email as your...
  4. m4rine_semperfi

    Favorite LOTR scene!

    Well, the lotr and hobbit movies have been all made for a while now. I was just looking through some of the movie scenes and I wondered what other people thought about them or if they have their own. I put togehter my top 2 scenes from all the movies: Fellowship- 1) Boromir's Last stand-...
  5. m4rine_semperfi

    Worst class?

    Town guard is possibly the worst class I have used 1) Uruk pike is better and its free 2) Has 1 or 2 more armor bars than archer, but waayyyy worse melee than archer 3) I can't kill an archer in 6 hits WITH A MELEE CLASS Tim I know you instantly denied my buff request, but serioulsy this should...
  6. m4rine_semperfi

    What kind of EW player are you?

    I am making a quiz on gotoquiz.com with many questions about various situations you encounter on Empire War and various outcomes predicting what kind of EW player you are.. Please comment any ideas for questions (Example: You see an arrow spammer, what do you do out of the 4 answers? A) Rage...
  7. m4rine_semperfi


    Can we stop with the pages and pages of class suggestions, some are good but remember each map should only have 1 or 2 point classes per team and most already do there is no point in suggesting more and more classes there are already plenty. Also enough with the ban the person forum game I...
  8. m4rine_semperfi

    New Maps

    REMOVE EDORAS! ADD DOL GULDUR THERE EVERYTHING IS GOOD NOW! 1) Better map 2) More potential for donor/point classes 3) New content, new easter eggs, new areas to explore 4) We have Dol Guldur Captain class but no Dol Guldur 5) There aren't any maps with elves as a whole team 6) How this server...
  9. m4rine_semperfi

    New Ranks! New classes!

    So as most know EW was changed so that there are 6 ranks: Hero, Lord, Legend, Veteran, Sage, and King. All have their pros and cons (King is awesome but super expensive). This discussion is to talk about whether people like it or not, or if they think some ranks are worth or nah. Just general...
  10. m4rine_semperfi


    About me: Hello, I am m4rine_semperfi, also known as m4, marine, m4rine, and semp. I started playing on this server in mid April 2014. I am 16 years old. . My skin is Nori. I am relatively good at building and was on the EW build team. You can find me on EW, discord, enjin, or badlion Also, I...
  11. m4rine_semperfi

    Nazgul Disguise

    Why the crap is there a dragon getting tped to constantly so i cant even see. Maybe it was my low fps that made it worse but still this is not an improvement I liked the old way where it was just me flying but to other people it looked like I was a dragon. Whenever I tried to grab someone I...
  12. m4rine_semperfi

    Server Down?

    What is wrong with the siege server it keeps pinging forever and I can't join. Some people told me it was DDoSed and Tim didn't fix it yet.
  13. m4rine_semperfi

    Which Class?

    This thread is made for new players who don't know what class to get. I made this flowchart to help them out because I was bored. http://www.gliffy.com/go/publish/8568037 The problem is I don't know how much Citadel Guard is but other than that every class is included and it's an interactive...
  14. m4rine_semperfi

    Forum Skins

    When you post things your skin is next to it and also on your profile but the thing is the skin is shown without the overlay textures, except for the head. So for example, my skin looks really dumb on the body because it is missing the chestplate and gauntlets. Could this be updated so players...
  15. m4rine_semperfi

    Cant Join Build

    Before you say "you have to make an application!" I know. I did. I got accepted by Tim at least 2 months ago. The problem is I am still not whitelisted. Here is the link to my accepted app : http://epicquestz.com/forum/m/13403649/viewthread/21805042-traveler-application I have tried messaging...