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Search results

  1. Olex

    What do we want changed/added in the texture pack?

    So its known that tim is about to start editing/changing the texturepack so i thought, why not make a thread and suggest/request stuff to change? 4393394 has already suggested and made alot o things that tim is gonna use as inspiration but here i have a few suggestions/requests: 1. If...
  2. Olex

    Favorite LOTR - Race

    So whats ur favorite LOTR race people? imma make a little series with different "Favorite LOTR..." stuff!
  3. Olex

    Favorite siege map!?

    So i just wanted to see what ur favorite maps is, i made 1 of these long time ago when there was less maps and players, Lets try again!
  4. Olex

    Beard brothers!

    This isnt like a team, im just gonna build a Easter egg with a bunch o dwarves on build, with help from Chyrious i search for people with dwarven skins and people that want their names in the easter egg tell me ur IGN and a Dwarven name/title. tell me if you want to be a...
  5. Olex


    Hey people! Im Dr_olex Ive been playing on this server for almost 3 years now (while writing this) and most people already know me But for you new people: Im a swedish dood that loves dwarves. Ive been playing MC since late 2009, when it was a kinda small game. My favorite things to do in...
  6. Olex


    So for a couple o weeks, its been popular on Minas tirith, to go up to the tree as constructor and build stuff. its not like im trying to stop them, im just asking why? Why waste your time building outside the warzone at a TDM server? (TeamDeathMatch) if i kill one of the builders as Naz...
  7. Olex

    Empire war on PlugDJ!

    So ive made a community at PlugDJ where people on EW can go on and play music together What is PlugDJ? PlugDJ is a place where you can join different servers/communities and play/listen to music with others Share music with others, Chat etc. Come check it out...
  8. Olex

    Dr_olex´s Balrog Fund

    So, yeah, ive started saving for Balrog, and i wonder if any1 would like to donate? im afraid that i wont be able to pay back points, but a small amount is enought! is there something else i could do instead of paying back? u dont need to Pay much at all! if a couple o people pays, it will get...
  9. Olex

    Goodbye -olex

    im done with this. Why did i leave? I had a few reasons to leave. 1. ive been tired of noobs and spammy chat. 2. i also disagree with the stuff thats been happening to the server and staff team, Banning ant, back, ice, ender etc. so i leave. Bubba gave meh a few screenshots that were just...
  10. Olex

    MC Wallpapers

    So im bored, and i think u liked it last time! So im using nova skin to create amazing-cool-360mcswag-wallpapers and i can make 1 for you! just do this: > Like this Post > Comment your IGN and something u like in MC ex. Creeprs or Bows > if u want any friends on the pic, comment their IGNs...
  11. Olex

    Favorite Music

    I love listening to music while playing, but i need to listen to something new, suggest ur favorite Music here! OVMuwa-HRCQ PDboaDrHGbA 0EWbonj7f18 y6120QOlsfU
  12. Olex

    Five nights at freddys

    ok, so ive been a rly huge fan of the horror game Five nights at freddys its just full o secrets and mysteries, and now, when the Teaser trailer for FNAF 3 is out, i wanted to know if any1 else has been following the series so far? u got any theories or so? Scott games...
  13. Olex

    RP moving to Conwy

    yeah, just wanted to know what u think about RP moving to conwy.
  14. Olex

    Top 10 MC

    Ok, so im not that busy on the forums, and im kinda bored. So i got a idea! And u all know that my ideas is great! Right? So every week, ill post a Toplist, with some mc stuff, EX: Top 10 Minecraft mods Top 10 Minecraft Mini-Games Top 10 Custom maps Top 10 seeds U like this idea? All u have to...
  15. Olex

    : P

    ive realized something, what was the latest suggestion on the forums that actually got added? are the Staff just ignoring or? cuz on many threads, they dont explain why they ignore/lock them, could they atleast tell us why they wont add a suggestion and why they didnt like it?
  16. Olex

    Goodbye goddeh!

    This was like when i heard that Swedish house Mafia was gonna quit... But this was more personal cuz goddeh was kinda like a friend (cuz we didnt know eachother irl) goddeh was almost the Only mod that deserved the rank, he was there all the time, He was helping the server more than almost any1...
  17. Olex


    cmon! We all know he deserves it! Goddeh has been here all the time, helping the server grow and made us smile, he deserves Admin more than that AFK admin and Lock (sry lock) ive probably missed something, but idc (Sauron or Titan told me he'S already admin) Do u think out goddeh deserves Admin?
  18. Olex


    im bored, ANSWER these questions: Favorite IRL animal? Favorite colour? Favorite Minecraft mob? Why? Sword or Bow? Microsoft or Apple? Favorite EW class? Why? Favorite EW map? Favorite game exept MC (if u have any)? Playstation or Xbox? Ik that PC is best but plz ANSWER IT CORRECTLY!!! LOTR or...
  19. Olex

    BOFA -_-

    WARNING! SPOILERS AHEAD! > i didnt read anything about Legolas in the book -.- > i didnt read about azog either -.- > Gundabad is kinda like the Goblins capital, not a friggin old fortress -.- > Thorin didnt get that mad in the book -.- > Thorin got killed by Bolgs...
  20. Olex


    ok, so i like messing around with Novaskin, and i saw they got some cool new backrounds :D and i can make a MC wallpaper for YOU! (u can do it yourself but im bored) all u have 2 do is: > Like this post >Reply with Your IGN and something in minecraft you like (ex. creepers or bows) > I will...