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Search results

  1. assassiniv

    donor perks

    Alert, this post might be unreadable due to my bad grammer. After looking at the donor store I’ve seen that donors don’t have many perks. I think that it would be nice if instead of adding more donor classes the staff team will add more donor perks. So here is the deal, it seems that most of...
  2. assassiniv

    where there is a whip there's a way

    Add orc/goblin/uruk whip user. this class would use diffrent mechanic because its weapon will be diffrent. armour: iron chestplate chain pants iron boots (like spearman) weapon: fishing rod (with sharpnes or knockback) other: maybe strength splesh potion? this class will have diffrent combat...
  3. assassiniv

    for muted players

    I got muted for the first time now, and i couldnt tell that to anyone. it created some really awkward situations such as: annoying gunda, stoping borin's arrows for "no reason", getting targeted and more. is it possible that when a muted player will join it will say "(player's name) joined but...
  4. assassiniv

    am i muted?

    it seems im muted, i would like to know why and maybe get unmuted?
  5. assassiniv

    buff the attackers

    This is not a real suggestion, im just here to comolain about the fact that its not fun to join the attacker team. Its so bad that only the noobs and players who feel bad for the attackers. http://imgur.com/a/aMrwQ
  6. assassiniv

    http vs https

    Use google chrom
  7. assassiniv

    anti kb

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNf8T5Za2wo&feature=youtu.be just watch and ban
  8. assassiniv

    push the cart

    (alert, this post was written by a pleb who don’t give a fck about grammar) I really think that the server needs something new and special type of map, something fresh for the old players, and I think that “Push the cart” type of map and gameplay is exactly what the server needs. For those of...
  9. assassiniv

    report amazzzzzzzon

    this is just sad
  10. assassiniv

    save EW

    dear tim. after i talk with bunch of players (50+) i think i found why they wont donate to save EW. the thing is "who want to donate a dead server and lose the mony?" well i think i have a suggestion. open an option to donate small amount of mony like 1/2/3 EUR, because if u donate like 5+ EUR...
  11. assassiniv


    invisble thing attakced me plz help (it can break thing and hit players) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_H76EcmZJw&list=PLwT6y5U0GYievWLYf8HM1qAxRO3_k1z55&index=8