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Search results

  1. miho47dwa

    Resolved Arrow hit assists

    I am pretty sure that assists are not working corectly when you hit someone with an arrow - you dont get an assist.
  2. miho47dwa

    Ranged classes limit

    I like playing ranged classes, and i think all of them are nicely balanced right now, any buffs or nerfs would only make them bad, or too good. I am open to any suggestions too. Someone could say, that limiting classes, especially free class is a bad idea. And I 100% agree with that. But, i...
  3. miho47dwa

    MANY SUGGESTIONS ( click )

    Yooo. I am coming with huge amount of suggestions. The main point of these changes is to make server just more enjoyable for everyone I AM VERY OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS, SO IF YOU ARE NOT NAMED RIKUMARU MSG ME ON DISCORD :) ( If you are english speaker pls dont kill me, i had horrible teachers 1: I...
  4. miho47dwa

    Ban appeal(discord) and some talk.

    Ok. Firstly, i want to apologize for saying 'fuck you' to Polar and Tob. I know that i shouldnt say that , and i promise that was a first and last time. Simple 'fuck you' is nothing wrong for me and i have problems when i meet peoples who cares about thing like this, me and my friends usually...
  5. miho47dwa

    Wreid ping.

    Hello! I am wondering if someone else has same problems with ping like me . I am pretty sure that's something related with the host , but i want to see how many players have problems with connection . I also have very long terrain loading while joining the server , and chunks on build server...
  6. miho47dwa

    Denied Gundabad(explained)

    O-OqITd_tk4 I have no idea how he isnt banned with these 2 vids. I used them and explained why he is VERY blatant. He is using reach prob 3.5-4.5 but he clearly got even 5 block hit. I think he also may use kb modifier but its hard to say that on 1.9 kb .
  7. miho47dwa

    Class leveling.

    Hello. I have an idea about class leveling. It something that new players can play for. Every class would have 5 lvls . IOf course its not ready , if you have suggestions post them Levels lvl 0 - 0 score lvl 1 - 50 score lvl 2 - 100 score lvl 3 - 200 score lvl 4 - 500 score lvl 5 - 1000 score...
  8. miho47dwa


    It can be a book or short minimap when you have to pick team, spawn, use spear, cap flag etc. In book on the first page would be how to pick a team , pick a class and spawn. On other how to use spear , cap flags etc.
  9. miho47dwa

    Something wrong with connetction

    Sometimes i cant join the server . Its not my internet i can play on other servers normally.
  10. miho47dwa

    Reporting Gundabad1 (yes..)

    Name of reported: Gundabad1 Reported for what: autoclicker Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqdZTGZAcE0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaVtpNkzPtc Further problems:
  11. miho47dwa

    Make weapons UNBREAKABLE !

    Why weapons are breakable? I dont know 1 reason why they shouldnt be unbreakable. Let gud players get bigger ks in one game . Its so anyoing when after your weapon break you have to die or relog. Or maybe make them restockable ??
  12. miho47dwa

    EmpireWar will be closed in less than a week

  13. miho47dwa

    drunk staff

    i ma riporting Rikumaru for being a drunk staff
  14. miho47dwa

    1.9 cds are destroying siege

    80% peoples hate 1.9 cooldowns and leaving the server after 3 min of playing.For new peps its impossible to kill the enemy and they dont have fun of playing.Its 13:04(+1) on saturday and there are only 3-6 players online...1.9 is great but we have to remove cooldowns.
  15. miho47dwa

    remove cooldowns on siege

    i am just asking you peps who want to remove cd ?
  16. miho47dwa

    Siege is crashing

    its imposible to play now
  17. miho47dwa

    The castle , by miho47dwa

    FOTOSOS What do you think about it ? I didint use world edit .
  18. miho47dwa

    Amazing kd :D

    Kd of 57.5 :D with archer and wizard class ^^. Place here your best (amazing) scores :P Beat up my :P
  19. miho47dwa


  20. miho47dwa

    Black gate 146 kills !!!!!!!!!
