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  1. gombar123

    Uhhh hi?

    Ummmmmmm *insert hooded Eminem pic here while playing guess who’s back over and over and over afain*. Ah sah dudes
  2. gombar123

    Whats up My Dudes

    Whats up My dudes
  3. gombar123


    Hey guys, So i have made about 50 million billion trillion posts about my YT channel (exaggerated... yes....) so for all of you who dont see my channel when you go on YT, i have deleted my account. I am making a new account with on of my friends from school, and we have a bunch of cool things...
  4. gombar123

    Youtube Name?

    Hey guys so ive decided to try this yotube thing again... however this time im gonna be on a moblie device and stuff so i need help coming up with a new channel name, something that when you type it into the yotube search bar, doesnt result in zombie games :p so here is some stuff about me if...
  5. gombar123

    ME BACK!!!!! (Maybe)

    Hey Guys, Most of you guys dont know me and that is all good you will soon face my wrath :D i left about 6 months ago and now i have realized that some of the only true friends i had were here. ok mush part out of the way, the main reason why i havent been on anything is my laptop died and didnt...
  6. gombar123

    Help Me PLS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok guys so this is a very troubling matter for me... as many of u know i have a YT channel and i am really enjoying making vids and doing stuff for it :D so i am hoping that as i make content and spread my name around on social media, i will be getting maybe more popular and stuff... idk...
  7. gombar123

    Back up on YT

    Ok, so with my return to EW, I have also decided to pick up my YT channel again and I have changed the name from That Darn Brit to Gombie Gamez (courtesy of fj333) so I will hopefully be uploading once a day and better content (old stuff sucked) and maybe doing sum stuff w/ the Epic Questz...
  8. gombar123

    Imma Back (sort of)

    So as many of u know, a couple months ago I decided to leave EW. it was getting in the way of my school work and my life so I left. however I am now bored over the summer so I have decided to come back to EW! I many be inactive for a little during the school year and stuff but ya... im back :D
  9. gombar123

    A thankyou

    Hey guys so this like many others is my goodbye... i have decided like Antzorg that minecraft has become something that i spent wayyy too much time on, so i am quitting EW and minecraft in general (i might come on when i get bored) but my freshman year of high school i didnt do so well and a...
  10. gombar123


    Ok this is gonna get locked and i am gonna get banned so fast but had to share: so i was playing on minaws tiwith and slime/captain were on and were msging each other and this happend:
  11. gombar123

    How many naz kills? (TIM/STAFF LOOK AT DIS)

    So in this thread, i was wonering who has the most naz kills right now i have 76 :D list it down below (ppssst tim/staff you could use this for the hall of fame)
  12. gombar123

    PVP Montage

    Ok.. so for a EW vid... i thought that i would ask EW players to record some gameplay and give it to me/upload to their channels and i will edit all of the footage i recive and create a Montage :D so please if you feel like it record some stuff and send me it! FYI if you dont want to add audio...
  13. gombar123

    Non-official EW CLAN

    So... For all of those who play Clash of Clans, come and join DA CREW and look for a black background with a lightning strike thingy... Come and play/hang out :D
  14. gombar123

    WTF IS GOING ON????!?!?!

    So I came on during geometry... opps :evil: AND I CAME ON AND EVERY1 IS IN THE LOBBY AND PVP IS ON AND ALL THE SERVERS ARE BROKEN WTF IS GOING ON GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just wondering... G
  15. gombar123

    Who to troll?

    Hey guys, So recently i posted/uploaded a vid of me trolling zoom, if you wanna see it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SrMATndc78 Basically what this thread is: You want me to troll someone? tell me, and when and if i see that person online, i will record, troll, and upload for a price... :P jk...
  16. gombar123

    Steve and Juliet?

    Hey guys, so recently i was assigned a school project. i am supposed to create a presentation on romeo and juliet. i asked my teacher if i some of my friends and i could do it in MC and he said sure. so with permission from coolkatt25, we are going to use his server to reenact a scence from...
  17. gombar123

    Class Help...

    Hey guys so as many of you know i recently started a YT channel. it has been going great, the next person who subs will be my 25sub so thx for all of the support. for upcoming vids, i am gonna do a class presentation so all the class, free, voter, pt classes, leave them below thanks Format...
  18. gombar123

    Support is needed,

    Hey guys, So as many of you know, my name is gombar123 a.k.a Matthew. I am starting a EW Youtube Channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfY3plxxwMghNmP69a-PWFw I would really appreciate it if you could sub to me because I am going to try and get the EW Youtuber rank. I have 0 subscribers...
  19. gombar123

    A thankyou

    Please don't be hatin on me for this but I just want to thank Slime, Cookie, and Ara for stepping up and being amazing. ever since they became pre mods, I haven't gone a day, after posting a report, without them visiting/dealing out punishment feel free to write ur own thanks for them, and all...
  20. gombar123

    Achivement for me...

    So, this is just proof that I didn't die once on minas tirith so I just wanted to share that :)