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Search results

  1. _PigGuardian_

    Aquaia (RP)

    Note: A LOT WILL BE REVEALED FURTHER INAquaia is a strategy rp based in a water world called Aquaia (Aqua means water in latin). It is pretty futuristic but with a twist. This rp will be very fast done so people can have fun and it will bring some more activity to ew - and the forums. This rp...
  2. _PigGuardian_

    Denied Hacker

    Name of reported: ShiXTank Reported for what: Using kill aura Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AWe1VdaTSQ&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXC-FS0uB8Y&feature=youtu.be Further problems: I would like to add I have nothing against this player and I am unsure if he is...
  3. _PigGuardian_

    Assassin class =)

    Name: Assassin Type: Free / Voter / Point (& Price) / Class Package / Standard Donor Point Maps: All or any Weapons: Some type of daggers on each hand left and right weaker than swords but faster attack rate Equipment/Items: 3 ladders & 10 steak [default] 3 ladders and any but preferred a lot...
  4. _PigGuardian_

    [Ban Request] RR_25

    Name of Offender: RR_25 Name of Offence: Killaura Proof: 0u0TMCb2_4I
  5. _PigGuardian_

    Donor ranks?

    Do we still get to keep our donor ranks we got from old ew?
  6. _PigGuardian_

    PigGuardian is coming back

    After hearing that a bunch of others have come back to EW, if we get enough people I will come back to ew. And my activity will defiantly not be the same. But, if it shall return to it's once glorious state I will put as much activity into ew as possible.
  7. _PigGuardian_

    Pay to win. Pfff.

    Empire War was never a Pay to win server. I know a lot of people agree on that. But seeing a few things removed from the donator ranks causing no one to want to pay for donator anymore is just stupid. Has EW really been a pay to win server all this long. Donator ranks on Ew give Powerful kits...
  8. _PigGuardian_

    Ew's end or a awesome continuation?

    I've heard Ew has 10 days left before it is permanently shut down. This cannot be Empire Wars fate , Empire War has been an awesome Lotr Minecraft Server for years. Many popular servers have died due to money shortage. For example, MCPVP.COM - A extremely popular and amazing pvp+ server with...
  9. _PigGuardian_

    EW Updates

    So I was thinking since Tim said we are never going to go down a update and a lot of people were fine with 1.8... That, we could make EW 1.8 and 1.9 that way you can go on either one and still play with others. http://www.strawpoll.me/10015886/r Lock comment: We don't need 1.9 shields we...
  10. _PigGuardian_


    Thanks tim and all of EpicQuest's builders that helped achieve this! I think I speak for everyone when I say the new Isendgard is incredibly awesome and fun. I would also like to congratulate you guys on the new water for MinasMorgul, MinasMorgul looks almost exactly like the real one now! I...
  11. _PigGuardian_

    Dwarf axe thrower Downgrade

    We all got our fun of using dwarf tomahawks and wrecking people, but it's time for a downgrade. Now I am pretty sure when tim designed dwarf axe thrower he was going for a remodel of spear man but for the dwarves. Four reasons why this doesn't work is: 1. Axes are regain able and spears can only...
  12. _PigGuardian_

    (Personal) Player Denial (What does that mean!?)

    Hey can someone fix this problem that apparently is only happening to me. I know this because I was the only one in GOT Siege and the hub. Anyway, whenever I try joining LOTR Siege it spams my chat with Already Connecteding to This Server-! Then it spams Kicked Whilst connecting to Siege: You...
  13. _PigGuardian_

    /Ignore request

    Today we had a a spam advertiser come on this afternoon and ruined our day. Now don't get me wrong we have had several spammers that just left and we got on with our lives. I just got pissed off today because this one spammer I seen today wouldn't stop spamming. So to cut to the point, we...
  14. _PigGuardian_

    Outrageous Donor Scam

    Okay this must be stopped. I payed for a donater rank. Right before it was called "Legend" and back then it had many perks. And then your players were fine. And now you updated the rank and removed almost all the good perks. And one more thing is all of the good kits require donor ranks. Now...
  15. _PigGuardian_

    Farewell To All Fellow Players!!!

    To start the thread I am going to say the point of this. I use to play on a Mac all the time. You would see me once/twice a day. I would play all the time. But then I got a Windows computer. So I download Minecraft and everything starts flashing. So usually if this happens you would roll back to...
  16. _PigGuardian_

    Traveler Application Attempt

    When I go to the builder website/ http://epicquestz.com/middleearth. I read everything and follow the steps. Until it brings me to this webpage <---(Webpage listed in photo below). But as you can see there is no button to apply. Where do I find the right button.
  17. _PigGuardian_

    Private Owner Question

    Hey, I was wondering if your builders can go on a different server and build a elven city for me. I want to make a elven city for the empire elves on the server. QueenRep the queen of the elves made the empire because she loves LOTR and loves the elves. Please build it for me. I will supply you...