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  1. Only_God

    Want a present beneath EW-tree?

    Similar to last year, wish somebody a Merry Christmas and tell us what you wish for to receive a present beneath the Siege lobby Christmas tree. By luck, your present may yield a profitable profusion :3 This thread will be locked the 11th concomitant with the present dispersion. Merry...
  2. Only_God


    A plugin broken and resulted in everybody being accidentally banned by Slime, our precious but very frustrated mod atm. Please be tolerant and wait for this circumstance to be resolved. ^^ Direct anyone asking: "why they're banned" here :3 EDIT: IT'S RESOLVED
  3. Only_God

    Good bye ~Only_God

    Yes, I am leaving. I'll be gone unless rare events occur which I might want to check out, like a map release. And I'll give minor support towards Tim on his build server. So I'll still vaguely be around, simply don't expect me to do anything from now on. Soon enough you'll move on and forget...
  4. Only_God

    Osgiliath change thread

    Please submit your ideas of changes to be made on the new beta map Osgiliath here ^^ Simply so we'll have all the complaints and changes in 1 thread. Also please play Osgiliath a few times before making a suggestion.
  5. Only_God

    Receive a present!

    Wish somebody or something on this server a "Merry Christmas" to receive a present under the Empirewar Lobby Christmas tree! And by any luck, you might receive something around Christmas day! <3 Edit: This thread will close Saturday 23:59
  6. Only_God

    Your computer table layout ^^

    I am kinda interested how you guys computer layout is arranged. So take a photo, preferably on a better Iphone then mine. Upload it somewhere (I recommend www.imgur.com) and share the image here ^^ Mines a bit filled, might need a bigger table x.x
  7. Only_God

    How long is a rope?

    I've always wondered, how long is a rope?
  8. Only_God

    Add more staff

    I've gotten demotivated and turned more and more inactive. If I turn inactive then there'll only be 1, possibly 2 active staff. I am counting these out of the staff members who were added to moderate the server, this means I am not counting with the Epicquestz team. I've noticed when I am...
  9. Only_God

    Guess upcoming map! Reward for the winner.

    Whiles I was on my hellish having no internet trip. I was working on a new siege map. It's a fantasy lotr map, meaning it's not written in the books nor the film. But it could exist in Middle Earth. So I want you guys to guess what kind of map it is, winner gets 500-1000 points or a Easter egg...
  10. Only_God

    LS Build day winners

    The Competition ended suddenly today, because I am leaving for 1-5 weeks tomorrow. So the builds were required to be judged today. Builds made with World edit got low priority, due to unfairness. If you worked as a team. Ask the plot owner for a fair share from the gold reward. Taking 1st...
  11. Only_God

    I am probably gonna regret this. God's face.

    Yep.. This is me a few days back when summer vacation started x_x
  12. Only_God

    Osgiliath builder recruitment thread!

    Hi, soon I am gonna need help decorating Osgiliath between all the buildings and some more mini stuff. So if you'd like to help post bellow. There are some requirements you need to for fill to become a builder: -Post screenshots of some of your work. I can't bring in somebody with no building...
  13. Only_God

    New easter egg in Minas Morgul!

    So I just added a bit of a different kind of Easter egg in the Morgul map. For this you'll need a special texturepack. I'll give you guys a challenge to be the first person to post a picture of it here ;D May the best Elf/human/dwarf/Barbie win!
  14. Only_God

    Conquest texturepack bug?

    Me zooming in with optifine onto this message with Conquest pack.. Can someone explain this? x_x
  15. Only_God

    What texturepack are you using?

    What texturepack do you guys use when you're not using the Empirewar one?
  16. Only_God

    Tim's design logic

    Fast Photoshop of our owners horse design logic on Helms Deep..
  17. Only_God

    Osgiliath update thread

    Basically I'll post pictures and give small update notes on the Osgiliath project ^^ You may also give suggestions of stuff, if you'd like. So the wall is done, and the gates. And atm I'm working on the river, just need to smoothing it out a lot more. And then give it texture
  18. Only_God

    Osgiliath building event end

    I'd like to thank everyone who showed up during the Osgiliath building week, without your houses Osgiliath would never be built :) And we'll probably do this again when constructing the next place in need of houses or structures, perhaps start a vote what city/village to build next? Anyways I'll...
  19. Only_God

    SjoerdTim's new name!!!! TIBBLES

    You might have heard, or you haven't. But for 2014 Sjoerdtim is going to be called TIBBLES. SO START CALLING HIM TIBBLES EVERYONE!!!