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Search results

  1. C

    Harad Archer

    This class somehow made its way onto Helm's Deep, not sure why. If it is there on purpose, it should have the usual armor rack and be alongside the other classes.
  2. C


    Just checked Minecraft today and got super happy when I saw that Empire War was back online, but I was just wondering, is Tim planning on trying to fully revive Empire War? The whole idea of doing very small maps is an interesting and nostalgic concept, however I doubt the server will ever get...
  3. C

    The Return of the Bards

    It has been a long time since, the name "Bard" has been used to describe such a player. But alas, some things only disappear to return later on in due time. Therefore I announce the return of the Order of the Bards, hopefully, in its full glory. While many of the original bards still play, I...
  4. C

    What is on your control + v

    I have seen this forum game on a few other forums and I thought it might be fun :) I believe that whatever is on your "control+v" with your keyboard helps to determine what type of person you are - maybe. You can be really suprised what you can see. There are some messages that can get you to...
  5. C

    The Official State of the Bards *Important*

    Recently Kingjoeseph1st has returned from has ban and has been trying to take control of the bards, as I would rather not explain this, please go to this thread if you haven't yet: http://www.empirewar.org/forums/m/5312442/viewthread/20897560-state-bards/post/last#last Anyway, here is the...
  6. C


    So, most of you know me, I just left a few weeks ago and I would like to say a few things. Veterans. Possibly the most controversial subject on EW. Recently a lot of players have been talking about how the "golden age" has ended and that all the veterans are leaving and all that. Well I am sick...
  7. C

    Im leaving

    I haven't been playing much recently, I have been playing a lot more of Geometry Dash and other games and I have decided to stop playing almost completely. I may still use the forum, but I doubt I will play Siege anymore. I hope some of you guys think of me as a veteran, because I have always...
  8. C

    Does anyone play Geometry Dash?

    I was just wondering :p
  9. C

    Money problems, eh?

    Empire War is MAKING MONEY. For the first time in months we actually are THRIVING!
  10. C

    I am leaving Empire War

    From the very start I loved this server. I have played it day after day after day. But it is time for me to stop playing EW. Tim has made a bad mistake with Antzorg and Kingjoe and I think we are doomed now. I completely understand sjoerds frustration with ant and king, but a perma ban makes...
  11. C

    Funny Helix Fossil things.

    Post funny replys from helix fossil. http://askhelixfossil.com/#12dju1 http://askhelixfossil.com/#pp0789 http://askhelixfossil.com/#5eq9ig http://askhelixfossil.com/#ezzv6l http://askhelixfossil.com/#6416sa http://askhelixfossil.com/#zs2izs http://askhelixfossil.com/#sqhqhp
  12. C

    sjoerdtim hacks

  13. C

    Why Tim?

    Nevermind. Nazgul nerf is fine with me, lock please?
  14. C

    Why we need more staff

    Iwasnumber4 was online. http://www.empirewar.org/forums/m/5312442/viewthread/16177611-assasain897-caps-inappropriate-language/page/1
  15. C

    I'm back :)

    My life has started to get back on track after some recent events and I decided its time i come back, in other words I will be joining every couple days. Now just don't expect me to be the extremely active guy I used to be :(. Although I doubt anyone cares it turns out my dad might live, not...
  16. C


    Nazgul my favorite class has been nerfed too much. I was 2 hit by an archers arrows. Not only that, people still say i suck and im a loser whenever i die as nazgul. Im sick of tim nerfing a class that doesn't need nerfing and all the players not saying its enough. Seriously guys, nazgul has...
  17. C

    Easter Eggs

    This is a race to see who can find all the easter eggs first. Remember to add screen shots as proof.
  18. C

    I didnt get Legend

    Its not working:( It shows up here but not ingame Please help Can u just give it to me Tim?
  19. C

    New Donor Classes

    We need more donor classes on the Pelennor map. King of the Dead: Full chain armor with protection III with solider of the dead head and diamond sword (invisibility) . King Only. Orc Captain: Full iron armor with zombie head and iron sword plus strength 1. Lord or higher