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Search results

  1. assassiniv

    team ratio on throrin's hall

    the team ratio in thorin's hall is a little bit fcked up when the attackers have less people and the orcs have more powerful classes than the dwarves.
  2. assassiniv

    Class tutorial

    Add to your YT channel tutorial vids about how to play the classes more effectively and in a better way. Also do more vids about playing donor classes as advertisment.
  3. assassiniv

    Crosair captain

    While playing Crosair captain and holding anything in the left hand while picking up the axe simply delete that item from the inventory.
  4. assassiniv

    Battle for the middle earth event

    How about making an event with the normal maps and all but with troop count and each time a map is won it will effect the maps after it. ((im gonna use some maps from either V1 or maps which may be added in future updates)) Example: The battle of gondor maps: lossarnach, minas tirith, minas...
  5. assassiniv

    Until Then

    It is sad to see you leaving again. Wish you luck in whatever ur bout to do. And what else can I say beside "Another one bites the dust"
  6. assassiniv

    control point gamemode

    With the new outer gondor update coming i believe we should have a desert map about the ilthilan rangers trying to destroy a bridge to delay Harad. Harad only sent scouts and not the entire army and so a battle begin on who will controll the bridge. Ilthilian need to hold the bridge until their...
  7. assassiniv

    Accepted UPS333 spamming

    yes ups is spamming a lot https://imgur.com/a/eo36b
  8. assassiniv

    Practice dummies

    How bout we add practice dummies to the tutorial? One will have a red nametag and the otherone will have blue nametag. They will be used to allow noobs to understand better the fact that u cant kill yar own team members
  9. assassiniv


    This thread is here for you to complain about every server related subject. I dont promise anything will be done but it is here to show what most players dislike or feel is unfair on the server. *If you feel a player is not acting according to the rules or just beiung a dick it would be nice if...
  10. assassiniv

    Morgul orc

    I think we need a point class for the orc team in minas morgul due to the lack of point classes for the orc team in minas morgul. Morgul orc: description: The morgul orcs are the elite guards of the tower in minas morgul, they are equiped with morgul steel equipment which have mystical effects...
  11. assassiniv

    Denied Shakaze

    Shakaze is either using rach hacks or something else and after 2 matchs against him when i couldnt get a vid of his hax (magicly i beat the shit out of him) he accused nile of having the same hacks as he does. https://imgur.com/a/VFguP
  12. assassiniv

    Denied Day2: spawn killer

    lord_giacomo is using his mage class to enter rohan's other spawn and attack players when they spawned. When i told him that i will report him he tried to buy my silance by promising me to win his little give away. But my hate toward p2w scums is higher than my greedy nature and here i am...
  13. assassiniv

    Accepted WhiteDirewolf blocking spawn with wood and spawn killing

    reported player's name: WhiteDirewolf Reason: he blocked our spawn and spawn killed those who spawned in there. evidance: https://imgur.com/a/bxChM
  14. assassiniv

    Dwarves can bash the gate in erebor

    Sam the dwarf started bashing the gate at erebor coz he got board
  15. assassiniv

    those old ideas

    *i dont take credit for all of the kits because some of them have been suggested long before i thought about them Boar rider: side- (I dont think i really need to add this but whatever) dwarves. maps- moria's last flag as a reinforment (maybe in some halls as well?), Dale?, erebor's first flag...
  16. assassiniv

    In game coins

    So before I'll write down the entire concept I decided to just write down the main points of it and later if I'll see it's worth it I'll add a poll and stuff. *There is a problem with the kit balance, point classes sucks. *You cannot buff point classes because it will turn them into OP classes...
  17. assassiniv

    To do list

    Can of the staff members add the to do list to the suggestions section?
  18. assassiniv

    EW after the "balance" update

    i took a few screenshots while i got slaughtered by X2 more defenders and half of them are rangers and mages was playing the old-new map cove. after an update that was called the "balance" update i thought that the rario would get better, gues I was excepecting too much from our "beloved" staff...
  19. assassiniv

    poit classes

    cross bow: map: helms deep side: uruk hai equipment: 5 porckchops, bow named crossbow, wooden sword with knockback 1. armor: iron boots, leather pants, chain chestplate with projectile protection 1, uruk head. effects: slowness 2 when reloading slowness 3. explanation: the crossbow will work...
  20. assassiniv


    Perhaps 960266 can add new rank, helper. The helpers will help new players to get throw their first time in EW. (Maybe give them some basic commands like time set so they could help not only the new players)