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Search results

  1. MD K47

    Nazgul Pickup loop hole

    Here you can see four snap shots of being picked up by a nazgul from inside a building. I want to know if this is allowed, they them selves were not within the building but in reaching distance. However i feel, i was clearly within the building so asking for the nuzgul rules to by made clear...
  2. MD K47

    Rule clarification, Nazgul

    Recently I have been witness to a few nazgul incidents which though not against the rules are almost certainly close. Best example, being picked up inside a building with an opening of less then 3x3. with either the opening above you (such as the towers with the flags on the Main gate) and you...
  3. MD K47

    Where's Ma Boots?!

    100 credits is not equal to the mighty boots. Unless 100 credits buys 100 boots :P the 50 points worked (got the tick) and the sharpness has yet to come into effect :)
  4. MD K47

    Vote failed

    Erm, it was a lol moment till it wouldn't stop, even logging in and out..... What can be done?
  5. MD K47

    Concerning Hobbits

    So much versing going on, but the real question is..... Drinking contest, who would win, Meriadoc and Peregrin.
  6. MD K47

    LMS - Help!

    I can't connect to the LMS server, tried the lms.empirewar.org and, and both "connection timed out, no further information". Typed into command prompt, says it connects (round trip 20ms)... no idea why i can't connect. Any suggestions?
  7. MD K47

    Funny - Enjoy

    Whether you have seen this or not, it still makes me laugh. JrKXH1CeXck Post any videos that you think this community should see. (within in reason) :D
  8. MD K47

    Wizard - Fire balls

    In light of recent events where people have asked for wizard fireballs to be 'nerfed', a proper debate should be undertaken. If you get hit by a fire ball please take a screen shot and post here, then we can see if it needs be weakened. Personally I do not think it should be 'nerfed' I have...
  9. MD K47

    Troll spears

    Not sure where this post belongs so.... Troll can and should be able to use spears, in the fellowship (movie) does frodo not get squared like a wild boar by a troll wielding a spear???? In the movie after this interesting Lego display, frodo nearly dies (saved by the mithril a dwarven...
  10. MD K47

    Favourite flag

    Hey, just wondering, what is your favourite flag to capture, and why?
  11. MD K47


    I keep getting continuous lag with this and only this map - where players stop and start. Is there something wrong with this map that can be fixed? It can't be me, other wise i would lag on all maps.
  12. MD K47


    Why fly using hacks when you can use British Entways (BE). The cheap and effective way for anyone to fly.
  13. MD K47

    Wixxi after an MD_K47 encounter.

    This is how god made the porcupine. :)
  14. MD K47

    Good Deeds.

    Prom induced good idea when he wrote "We don't need competition, as we already have a competition: Winning the matches, but most appear to be more interested in their own amount of kills rather than helping their team win" in a different thread. A forum topic titled Good deeds. Players seen...
  15. MD K47

    Player of the week/month

    Hey, what about a voting system for player of the week/month. The player that has had the biggest influence over game play over the past week/month. I.E - Wixxi capping many flags - Polarnik for his continual effort in reporting rule breakers - Lotrloz for his deadly marksmanship etc. Could...