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  1. marcoiscool

    Payload gamemode

    I enjoyed playing the recoded Thorin's halls map, but there are several things which I feel like are still a bit rough. I think for the payload gamemode it would be nice to show the players how far they need to push to reach the next checkpoint, as currently it is quite hard to see if the team...
  2. marcoiscool

    3.2.0 - Hotfix #1

    who knew the orcs cracked the code and learned the secret of lembas
  3. marcoiscool

    Theme song after game ended

    Yeah, I agree that the ending music is something I missed from the server.
  4. marcoiscool

    Remove -1 Silver for Dying

    Honestly, I did not even know that was the reason for the -1 silver and I also just charge in most of the time. Maybe a respawn cooldown or getting regeneration when not damaged for a couple of seconds outside would discourage it more? Usually I find it is faster to die and respawn then to fall...
  5. marcoiscool

    Constructor Class rework

    I think a way to fix it could also be by giving attacker builders more wood than the defenders, since the defenders usually have time to prepare a huge building and then just maintain it once the battles reaches it. if the attackers are able to build and maybe break faster, the game would not as...