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Are Ban Appeals Funny?

I really don't what are the odds that I see 2 guys with the MU skin, they were not teamed together. I just had the time to screenshot them and then 1 of them left... it happened on the event server 2 days ago :)
Themightyviking, please speak English in our forums. 'Cuz' and 'Skinz' are no English words. Talking like a 5 year old doesn't make you 'cool' as some people might think.
Sorry, I didn't realize this is a school. I didn't know I had to talk formal. Maybe I should criticize all of you for not using punctuation.

What I meant to say was those SKINS suck. And BECAUSE we all have Viking skins.
If you don't speak proper English, players that do not speak or read it fully will not be able to understand the whole meaning as one would does speak the "lingo" does.

Communication problems should be avoided.