Birthday Event
Saturday the 22th and sunday the 23th of november (next weekend) we will celebrate the server's 2nd birthday (which was on november 11th)
We will hold several different events on the event server (accessible using the compass in all other servers), with as biggest event something special we've been working on in a Laketown map we worked on the past week, you can guess yourself what'll happen and what event there'll be, the trailer should help
See you this weekend, and make sure to invite all of your friends to join as well!
Events started
Download for custom Event texturepack: [link]
Smaug is coming..
Saturday the 22th and sunday the 23th of november (next weekend) we will celebrate the server's 2nd birthday (which was on november 11th)
We will hold several different events on the event server (accessible using the compass in all other servers), with as biggest event something special we've been working on in a Laketown map we worked on the past week, you can guess yourself what'll happen and what event there'll be, the trailer should help
See you this weekend, and make sure to invite all of your friends to join as well!
Events started
"You care about them, do you? Good. Then you can watch them die!
You will take nothing from me, Dwarf. I laid low your warriors of old. I instill terror in the hearts of men. I am King Under the Mountain.
I am fire. I am...death!"
All who wish to participate in the Empire War Birthday Events should now connect to the Empire War Events server. ( or compass on other servers)You will take nothing from me, Dwarf. I laid low your warriors of old. I instill terror in the hearts of men. I am King Under the Mountain.
I am fire. I am...death!"
Download for custom Event texturepack: [link]
Smaug is coming..