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control point gamemode


New member
V1 Sage
With the new outer gondor update coming i believe we should have a desert map about the ilthilan rangers trying to destroy a bridge to delay Harad. Harad only sent scouts and not the entire army and so a battle begin on who will controll the bridge. Ilthilian need to hold the bridge until their engineers will be able to destroy it completely and Harad need to hold it long enough for ilthilians to retreat.

The 2 sides will be Ilthilian VS harad (and maybe umbar).
Each team will have to capture 1-2 flags placed on the bridge in order to either destroy the bridge or to repair it completely.
There would be total of 4-6 flags. 2 flags at the bridge, 2 flags for the teams to spawn in and 2-3 more flags which will allow support of special classes:
-A boat which allow crossiar captains to spawn and join Harad.
-A small camp which will allow ilthilan rangers to spawn and join ilthilan.
-Two flags which may or may not be capturable and will be the first point the teams will spawn in.
Wow actually first suggestion from you that I really like . Good idea !
Why do we need this gamemode?
While we do have a big number of maps and a new game mode in all maps the concept is kinda the same, one team is trying to slow and stop the enemy team from securing all the map while the enemy team try and advance. In thorin's hall it is by pushing a cart and killing those who are pushing it, in osgiliath it is a little different because the attackers must keep the points which they captured in check and the map itself is not liner but it is still based on the same concept, on the resto of the maps it is done by capturing point after point until either the time is up or all the points have been captured. In this mode both teams need to push, defend and reach the same goal of holding the bridge for long enough meaning that there is no actual "easier team" to play and no team have any actual advantage of numbers, structures or gates.
This will also force players to actually play as a team because the map itself will force them to and it will also force players to push and defend reather than play for kills.
It will also be smaller map which means it will fit both small number of players (taking the bridge) and big number of players (they could go after the enemy's unit's flag and disable them or flank the enemy).
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Tobberz/74.png" name="Tobberz"]9802996[/user] i guess we can lock this thread?