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Empire War Siege Update:


Owner Emeritus
Staff member
Owner Emeritus
We just released a very big new server patch on the Siege server.
This update is called "the Class Update".

- Added 9 classes:
- Helm's Deep: Crossbow Uruk {Points}
- Helm's Deep: Rohan Royal Guard {Points}
- Pelennor Fields: Easterling Lord {Lord+}
- Minas Morgul: Morgul Uruk {Voter}
- Minas Morgul: Warg Tamer {Points}
- Minas Morgul: Lossarnach Axeman {Points}
- Moria Gold: Great Goblin {Points}
- Moria Gold & Great Halls: Dwarf Hammerer {Points}
- Moria Great Halls: Goblin Bonebreaker {Points}
- Changed 6 classes:
- Helm's Deep: Made Uruk Ladderer (cheap) point class
- Pelennor Fields: Made Spearman point class
- Pelennor Fields: Made Soldier of the Dead point class
- Isengard: Made Huorn point class
- Isengard: Made White Wizard point class
- Isengard: Made Pikeman voter class
- Removed 1 class:
- Helm's Deep: Uruk Shaman removed

As you can see a lot of classes have been added as point classes. These classes are available for all players, donators and non-donators and can be bought with in game points. (To view yours, use /stats)

We hope you will enjoy this new update, and that it will bring a lot of new gameplay to try out on the server! :)