I think the way the ratio currently is is extremely unfair.
For example, I will tell you a story I had today:
This is on the map cove.
I joined the server, it was just me and two others. I was an orc, the other two were men. I went ahead and spawned in, capped the courtyard (as the wall was capped already). BUT.. as soon as I capped courtyard, the wall was recapped by both of them. Then, they came to courtyard and killed me. Then I found out I couldn't even SPAWN at the flag I had capped! It said it was claimed by the enemy, yet clearly it was not. So then they went ahead and capped courtyard. So now I was reduced to valley and the default town spawn. Then both of them continued to kill me and I could not do anything. Then I went and asked one of them to switch, since it was unfair. They both rejected and (excuse my language) called me a p*ssy.
Something needs to change!
For example, I will tell you a story I had today:
This is on the map cove.
I joined the server, it was just me and two others. I was an orc, the other two were men. I went ahead and spawned in, capped the courtyard (as the wall was capped already). BUT.. as soon as I capped courtyard, the wall was recapped by both of them. Then, they came to courtyard and killed me. Then I found out I couldn't even SPAWN at the flag I had capped! It said it was claimed by the enemy, yet clearly it was not. So then they went ahead and capped courtyard. So now I was reduced to valley and the default town spawn. Then both of them continued to kill me and I could not do anything. Then I went and asked one of them to switch, since it was unfair. They both rejected and (excuse my language) called me a p*ssy.
Something needs to change!