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Extremely unfair ratio

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Staff member
Lead Developer
I think the way the ratio currently is is extremely unfair.
For example, I will tell you a story I had today:

This is on the map cove.

I joined the server, it was just me and two others. I was an orc, the other two were men. I went ahead and spawned in, capped the courtyard (as the wall was capped already). BUT.. as soon as I capped courtyard, the wall was recapped by both of them. Then, they came to courtyard and killed me. Then I found out I couldn't even SPAWN at the flag I had capped! It said it was claimed by the enemy, yet clearly it was not. So then they went ahead and capped courtyard. So now I was reduced to valley and the default town spawn. Then both of them continued to kill me and I could not do anything. Then I went and asked one of them to switch, since it was unfair. They both rejected and (excuse my language) called me a p*ssy.

Something needs to change!
I was just playing cove again and there was about 14 people online. And Men had more. Orcs had got ALL the flags and were trying to capture the keep. But, yet again, the orcs were pushed back, always being killed and then the men claimed the courtyard and wall back and we lost.
Team ratio is always 1:1. We made it like this to give each team an equal worth and chance.
I understand it can be frustrating, but when there's 3 on it's always gonna be 1v2 or 2v1, we'll never be able to solve that. The situation you described when there's 14 on, sounded just like you faced a good team of men :p
This has nothing to do with ratios, they will remain the same.
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