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Farewell Friends...

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V2 Lord
V1 Lord
Yep, me too. I have finally decided to leave MC, quit enjin and delete my skype account so no one can contact me when I'm gone. I've been going trough a rough time lately. As most of you guys know, people have been spreading alot of lies behind me and it has come to the point that I lost everything that was dear to me. For the people that supported the one that spreaded so many lies. I may have said some things during the spam party on my wall but that was because the whole community was threathening me on my forum wall. I would NEVER threathen someone here with killing his family or them. I would NEVER say something like that on PURPOSE (Not saying I did say it). I may have said something (I remember only telling to Olex "What if I visited your house with a baseball bat?") But that was as a joke because we were friends. And for Antzorg. Goodjob on screwing the deal within a day when we both agreed to not talk to each orther for a while. I only wanted to know the real reason why this all happend. People say that I brought this upon myself. I asked some people to know the real reasons. Ended up of people calling me a fuckin stalker. Well no shit when Tara leaves me like this. So cold... Aye so be it then. If you keep believing in lies around here then so be it... I don't know who to trust anymore.. alot of people have turned their backs against me... Perhaps it's better to leave the community for good instead of making drama. Oh yes the drama part... I can make a whole documentary about it but I know you guys wont care so there's no point in explaining... Anyways I will be around here this evening and perhaps tommorow for the last time... Thank you for everything... :|
You're taking this whole thing way to seriously, also, I can easily say I've lost a lot of respect towards several people.
I suggest you to stay, just don't give a shit(boohoo, I said a bad word, it's the end of the world x.x) what people say behind your backs, even if they're lies. There are still plenty of people here who are not retards.
Alright I usually don't like throwing myself into this shit (ohh I'm joining the bad word people) but it has to. A lot of bullsh*t has been going around with Zoom. He ain't some stalker, he isn't insane and he sure as hell isn't what you've been told. Now could all of you stop trusting stories in which you did not participate? You are trusting people who have given you no physical proof.

Zoom is a nice guy. Confused? Yes. Annoyed? Yes. But he isn't some stalker who threatens people. I seriously thought better of this community. You guys now believe stories of people, and go to the person who 'could' be what others told you and tell him he's a 'fucking creep and stalker'? You guys are pathetic..
You're taking this whole thing way to seriously, also, I can easily say I've lost a lot of respect towards several people.
I suggest you to stay, just don't give a shit(boohoo, I said a bad word, it's the end of the world x.x) what people say behind your backs, even if they're lies. There are still plenty of people here who are not retards.

Hents said it perfectly. It would be sad to see you go for this reason :(
Just gonna put this out there. Only believe what you see with your own eyes or if it is clear in facts or truth, not second hand info. Please.
Bye man.

IMO this relationship drama is so entertaining, especially when your conducting it yourself

- Captain_Drama
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