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Fisherman small nerf?


New member
When playing the fisherman, i feel a bit to strong. You have so many abilities wich makes it quite an unfair battle against a lot of classes. My suggestions for nerfing this class are.
- Either remove the Resistance or lower the the damage of the knife from 7 to 6.
- Remove 1 cobweb as you can almost spam these
- I think the trident is a fine addition cause it doesn't really do that much damage (1 heart per hit)

I have both played the class and fought against it. I feel that is has to many advantages against other classes. It is better in melee then most classes while having multiple ranged option. (trident and cobwebs)
Thanks for your suggestion. I already suspected it getting a bit strong when I added resistance. We will take a look at the class and decide what nerf will be best.
I disagree on removing resistance. It already has low sustainability because of the bad food and removing resistance just makes it a get hit twice wait 5 minutes class. I suggest turning loyalty 2 on the trident into loyalty 1? Trident seems to be waht people complain the most about, lowering the amount of cobwebs by one might also work.
Posted in EbiWan's stead because I guess he can't? lost password or something and can't reply with his new account yet

  1. I also dissagree on removing the resistance, for the same reason _StarschipRanger says. It's bad food makes it very slow to regenerate, and without the resistance, you'll have to wait a long time to be able to re-enter battle, cause you would be constantly down on health.
  2. If you'd remove it, you could balance it out more if you add better food. So you aren't as tanky, but don't have to re-enter battle so slow.
  3. Trident is fine imo, cause it doesn't really do much damage, I think it's just annoying for other people to constantly have to dodge it, but it's actually no different from dodging arrows. You could make it loyalty 1 to counter this.
I reverted the damage back to 6 (which it was when I first made the class), and added a small cooldown to the web throwing.