Host gone
Well, we've expected this for a while, and today the host actually disappeared.
We are working very hard on getting the servers moved to a new host, but this will take a while. Please be patient as we are working on ressolving this issue.
All servers (Siege, Event, Hub, RPG, Build) will be down until this is ressolved.
Edit: Welp, that was quick! Servers seem to be up and running with the new host, and we haven't lost a lot because we had an even more recent backup!
Well, we've expected this for a while, and today the host actually disappeared.
We are working very hard on getting the servers moved to a new host, but this will take a while. Please be patient as we are working on ressolving this issue.
All servers (Siege, Event, Hub, RPG, Build) will be down until this is ressolved.
Edit: Welp, that was quick! Servers seem to be up and running with the new host, and we haven't lost a lot because we had an even more recent backup!