I am leaving, My dad saids that the only way I can get my learners Licence is if I get a part time Job and get off MC. Might I say I am 14.......Thanks Dad, and i just really really really want to drive and it is a sacrifice I am willing to take. BUT! Pendragon gave me an amazing Idea that after I leave and get my licence I come back! So i will only be gone for about 6-9 months, and of course when I am able I will come onto the forums every once and awhile.
Oh and some of you know me maybe about 75% of EW regulars so If i don't know you please lets msg each other. So farewell EW till I get my licence and a P time job.
Oh and some of you know me maybe about 75% of EW regulars so If i don't know you please lets msg each other. So farewell EW till I get my licence and a P time job.