We have redone our Isengard map, realising that it was one of the least likable maps. We have redone both the mechanics and the looks, and hope this will improve your experience a lot.
The map now consists of 7 flags and the dam. The battle starts at the brink of Fangorn Forest where ents break through the walls. After this the battle spreads all around Fangorn and the Ents have to either take all flags or kill enough Uruk-hai for the battle to go to the dam.
After the battle reaches the (new) dam, the battle commences as always, with the Ents climbing the mountain in attempt to take down the dam. After they break the dam, the Ents win. The Uruk-hai win by killing all Ents.
These are the changes:
- 7 new flags
- Added Fangorn Forest
- Redecorated the inside of Isengard
- Added a new dam
- Protected most spawns from spawnkilling
- Added giant rock throwing Ents that throw rocks from the forest into Isengard
- Redone the tower interior, just for decoration purposes.
- Added a wool spawn system like on all other maps
1.9 Fixes
Minecraft 1.9 caused for a lot of bugs, but most of them are solved now. These are the most important to know fixed bugs:
- Fixed knockback not functioning properly
- Fixed elytra (for fun) kicking players
- Fixed broken scripts
- Rebalanced many classes
- Fixed resource pack
- Replaced old Shieldmen shields with new shields
- Added shields to Lossarnach Axemen