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Morgul and Isengard


Owner Emeritus
Staff member
Owner Emeritus
We have released a new Minas Morgul!
In our attempt to improve all of our older maps to equal quality of more recent ones, we have now updated Minas Morgul.
Changes include:
- New green marsh water
- New two inner gates
- New terrain
- New camps and ruins in the city
- Improved decorations
- New square
- New throne room

This update is mainly about the looks of the map. Morgul was one of the oldest maps and had very little detail. We however, also attempted to make the game better for gameplay, by reducing spawnkill opportunities and making some flags harder or easier to capture.


Isengard ruined update

We have updated the Isengard map's looks to fit more with the movie version and to be better for PVP. For this we also created the forest of Fangorn and added many pits.

Changes include:
- Many pits added to the fortress
- Much new terrain and decoration, no longer an entirely flat map
- Fangorn Forest added with giant Ents in it
- New dam with anti-spawnkill mechanisms
- Warg Pits, Tent Camps and many other new features
- New Uruk-hai lobby by Tobberz

This was only the decorational part of this update. Tomorrow (hopefully), we will update the rest of the map. Isengard will have many flags and will count more on flag capturing than on a deathmatch.

We hope you enjoyed these two updates! We will be working on more updates as soon as possible. I hope to release the new Isengard mechanics tomorrow, and we are also looking into moving node within our host to Amsterdam, so that the lag can once again be decreased.