Hey, it's me yes I barely play EW but I would just like to suggest some things that could make the server more entertaining and what I enjoyed from my view.
First, I'll tell you what I enjoyed a lot. Teamplay and big fights. There used to be a lot of teamplay for example at the black gate, capturing Gothmogs tent was near impossible on your own so people used to rally occasionally and attack as groups, so did the enemy team and for me that was very entertaining. Seeing that now is quite rare.
Helms was also my favorite map because of the warps, The map layout is nice as a big map and there were fights nearly everywhere you went. But most of all what I enjoyed is barricading the keep and holding off as long as possible till the rohirrim came, charging out of the keep with horses and down the hill to the plains is what really made me enjoy this server. The teamplay and big cluster fuck battles is what made me laugh so much.
My second favorite was the bridge part of Osgiliath, I know a lot of people dislike it but I personally enjoyed it. Mordor and Gondor had 1 objective at the same spot, Mordor builds a bridge to cross whilst gondor tries to hold them off. Which is why I suggest to make the server way more lineair and not like what osgilath is now. It doesn't really work with the playerbase to protect a whole city with just a handfull of men.
-More lineair, for example capturing a wall first. Team Red pushes a Siege Tower/ladder to the walls whilst Team Blue defends the wall, then after the wall is captured they proceed to capture a courtyard down the wall, etc etc.
-Single capture objective for teamplay^
-More Group warps for team battles
-Readd the reinforcements system but this time make it less. I know this may seem like a shit idea and I know I have posted something similiar on my wall but bare with me here.
How would this work?
Simple, Defenders get 300 reinforcements whilst attackers get (idk giving an example with these numbers right now, will need actual balancing later) around 500-600? Once the defenders run out of forces on the first capture spot, they will not be able to spawn, (They retreat) leaving the attackers to capture it.
If the attackers all die instead, the defenders instantly win as the attackers would retreat away. On the second capture spot the reinforcements both get refilled and the battle continues. This prevents battles raging on in a single spot for ages. Capturing flags should still be possible.
-More Cosmetic
-More Playerslots, cut the shit and just add more slots lol
Anyway, these were my suggestions and I think it would improve the server IMO, no hate plz thank you very much for reading this far. I'll leave a poll to see what you guys think is good and is not so good. It's multiple choice btw
First, I'll tell you what I enjoyed a lot. Teamplay and big fights. There used to be a lot of teamplay for example at the black gate, capturing Gothmogs tent was near impossible on your own so people used to rally occasionally and attack as groups, so did the enemy team and for me that was very entertaining. Seeing that now is quite rare.
Helms was also my favorite map because of the warps, The map layout is nice as a big map and there were fights nearly everywhere you went. But most of all what I enjoyed is barricading the keep and holding off as long as possible till the rohirrim came, charging out of the keep with horses and down the hill to the plains is what really made me enjoy this server. The teamplay and big cluster fuck battles is what made me laugh so much.
My second favorite was the bridge part of Osgiliath, I know a lot of people dislike it but I personally enjoyed it. Mordor and Gondor had 1 objective at the same spot, Mordor builds a bridge to cross whilst gondor tries to hold them off. Which is why I suggest to make the server way more lineair and not like what osgilath is now. It doesn't really work with the playerbase to protect a whole city with just a handfull of men.
-More lineair, for example capturing a wall first. Team Red pushes a Siege Tower/ladder to the walls whilst Team Blue defends the wall, then after the wall is captured they proceed to capture a courtyard down the wall, etc etc.
-Single capture objective for teamplay^
-More Group warps for team battles
-Readd the reinforcements system but this time make it less. I know this may seem like a shit idea and I know I have posted something similiar on my wall but bare with me here.
How would this work?
Simple, Defenders get 300 reinforcements whilst attackers get (idk giving an example with these numbers right now, will need actual balancing later) around 500-600? Once the defenders run out of forces on the first capture spot, they will not be able to spawn, (They retreat) leaving the attackers to capture it.
If the attackers all die instead, the defenders instantly win as the attackers would retreat away. On the second capture spot the reinforcements both get refilled and the battle continues. This prevents battles raging on in a single spot for ages. Capturing flags should still be possible.
-More Cosmetic
-More Playerslots, cut the shit and just add more slots lol
Anyway, these were my suggestions and I think it would improve the server IMO, no hate plz thank you very much for reading this far. I'll leave a poll to see what you guys think is good and is not so good. It's multiple choice btw