1. Even though Osgiliath is suppose to be in ruins, could the builders get rid of the 2 block deep by 1 block long holes, they get annoying and once you fall in, you cant get out, and sometimes there is poisonous water in those holes, causing you to die. . .2. Since Osgiliath is in ruins, all the blocks look the same, and all the buildings look the same, there are no identifiable landmarks to know where you are going, and you get lost very easily, so can there be more obvious signs to where to go, so you don't get lost. . .3. Wizards aren't a voter's class. Wizards are one of the most O.P. Classes in the game, due to fireballs and health potions. This can go for other maps with non-voter class wizards, but because of there O.P-ness wouldn't it be logical to have it a voter's class, since that means you have to earned that class.